
Sunday, January 13, 2013

That Delicious Bread

Happy Second Week of the New Year! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? Well it appears that the Creators have in this interesting new post.

New Year’s resolutions

It’s that time of year again when everybody makes well-meaning plans to better themselves, only to abandon them within a week. Well, not us. We stick to our plans. This year, we’re resolved to do the following:
  • Make the best Poptropica Islands ever
  • Add new features that you’ve been wanting for years
  • Give you even more ways to enjoy Poptropica
  • Eat fewer carbs
Wait, forget that last one. Bread is too delicious to give up. But the rest of it? You better believe those are our New Year’s resolutions!
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I completely agree, bread is way too… wait! Before that! What could be coming soon to Poptropica?
The best Islands ever? Could one of these Islands be Monster Carnival? How about Mardi Gras and the Mall Island? What other Island ideas do they have stewing?
Add new features? What have we been wanting for years? One thing definitely comes to mind, Houses! The Creators have acknowledged this idea before and have even added a poll asking if we would want our own houses. You can check that out over here.
More ways to enjoy Poptropica? What else can they add, does this not just happen when you add the best Islands ever and awesome new features that we have been dying to get?
What do you want to see added to Poptropica this coming year?

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