
Saturday, April 28, 2012

What to Expect When You Make Friends!

Over the last week there have been a LOT of posts about the new friends feature.  They let us see all of the awesome new features.

Playing through an Island on Poptropica gets you many rewards. Besides the satisfaction of a job well done, you'll also earn a gold medallion that you can wear to show off your accomplishment. But how many of you have been able to pull this off?

Medallions for every Island! Whoa, nelly. That's worth bragging about. Soon it'll be easier to show off an achievement like this.

One of the great things about Poptropica Friends is that you'll be able to see what medallions your friends have earned, and they'll be able to see the same for you. You'll even be able to show off how many times you've beaten each Island, by using Island Restart.

Poptropica Friends is launching soon. There's no better time than the present to start adding to your medallion total, before all your friends can see!

 You already know that Poptropica Friends will let you stay informed about what your friends are doing in Poptropica. What you might not know is how easy that's going to be!

Presenting the Recent Activity feed! You'll see this little box whenever you return to Poptropica, and it will show you the most up-to-date things your friends have been doing in Poptropica. You'll see when your friend has earned a photo, beaten an Island, saved a new costume, or answered a Pop Quiz. You can click through to see their full profile, or just flip through the feed to see what everyone is up to.

There's a lot more coming with Poptropica Friends. We're looking forward to sharing it with you!

One of the new features that will be coming with Poptropica Friends is the photo album. It's like your own virtual scrapbook of your adventures through Poptropica!

By playing through Islands, you'll occasionally see a message that says "New Photo Added" when you get to an important part of the story. Then, when you visit your photo album, you'll see snapshots showing you a new perspective of your character's feats. Every Island has about four different photos. There are over 100 in total!

Even better: every time you earn a new photo, the outfit you were wearing at the time is recorded in the picture. Even if you change clothes, you can costumize from your photos later!

Wait, there's more! If you're looking through a friend's photo album, you can costumize off of them, too. It's like the number of possible costumes just went to infinity!

We can admit that we're not perfect. One thing Poptropica is missing right now is an easy way to save the best costumes that you've put together. With Poptropica Friends, that will no longer be the case!

Another new feature with Poptropica Friends is the Costume Closet, which allows Members to store up to 30 unique costumes at a time. Not only that, but you can look through your friends' closets and borrow their best costume ideas, as well.

There you have it! The days of putting together a spectacular costume and then having to get rid of it are almost over.

All of these posts by Captain Crawfish let us know what to expect with friends. The only thing I can think of to make it better is that we get the photos for Islands completed before the friends feature. I guess that that wouldn't work because of cusomizing the suit from the picture. This is still really cool. There is only one way to describe this new feature... Epicness!

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