
Thursday, December 22, 2011

S.O.S! Islands are flying at us once a month.

A Merry Christmas to all! Have a safe and wonderful holiday! See you guys after the holidays! 

The newest Island has been announced... S.O.S. Island!

 When a whale-watching expedition strikes an iceberg, a pleasure cruise becomes a disaster scene. As the ship sinks deeper and deeper into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, can you rescue everyone onboard before it's too late?
It seems to be based on the Titanic, also, is this really an island since you are on a boat? We will have to wait and find out. Also has anyone noticed that we are getting a new island a month.
  • Mystery Train official release - October
  • Game Show - November
  • Ghost Story - December
  • S.O.S. - Most likely January. 
Just some food for thought.
In other news I have added all the Ghost Story links and the S.O.S info page to my Island Guide Page so  head on over and check it out!
Finally, if you haven't heard the new scavenger hunt is out. It gives you crazy hair that you can change with the space bar. The clues are...
Ask For Directions
The guidebook’s author takes this direction home
TV Stars seek out this address on Page 106.
This apartment is your window of opportunity on Page 183.
W _ _ _  1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _
 The answer is west123starave33c so go get your prize now!

There is also a new costume in the store! Elf Costume!
Also there is a new 150 credit Gold Card... The Candy Cane-On. It is basicly a snowball blaster that looks like a candy cane.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ghost Story Guide

Written by Brave Tomato. Edited by Fuzzy-B.

Go to Ghost Story Island
. Pick up the salt from the guy carrying it. This may sound odd right now, but later, it’ll be understandable why. Go to the newspaper place and talk to the lady running it. She’ll say that she would pay $50 for any evidence you find of ghosts.
Now, exit the newspaper place and go to the left. You’re in the cemetery gates area. When you walk further, your character will hear a sound that you won’t. Then the gates will open… revealing a tour guide. Thank goodness. He just about to tour you around “haunted” places, when the ma-magi-magistrate busts the tour guide. Mr. Tour Guide will run off and his pamphlet will conveniently land into your hands. The magistrate will tell you to reside for the night… but you really don’t have anywhere. For now, go to the left and talk to this guy with a weird frown, a bow tie, and and is carrying a suitcase. He’s looking for the grave of his uncle, but can’t find it. Go to the right and ask the lady to go into the archives. She’ll allow you to go in without worry.
Click on “Cementary Plots”. Turn a few pages until you see the name Silas Moon. I kinda laughed at some of the names. You’ll highlight Sila’s name. Go back to the cemetery. Talk to the nephew, and he will give you his key to the inn. Great, so you have a room to spend the night.Go to the right until you see the inn.Go into your room, 2B. Click on the bed.During a fun 1st person POV cut scene, you try to sleep, but things keep moving on their own! You can’t sleep, you’re getting scared, and you should investigate.Go to the closet and click on it. The Edna look-a-like will fall out and run to her hubby.You threaten to let the magistrate know, and hubby refuses. Then, the Edna look-a-like will say that in order to find one of the ghosts, you should play her favorite song on the violin.Go to the hallway and go over to where the piano is. Click on the violin next to it and you’ll receive the music as well at the violin itself. Exit and go to the roof of the inn. Click on use on the violin. Move the bow!back and forth to play the song. Don’t worry if your bow starts glowing, that’s normal. After playing the song, you’ll notice that something is going on. Go down and talk to that weird ghost hunter guy.He’ll say he saw what’s going on in the window too. However, the magistrate will take him away. Again. After he and the magistrate has gone, pick up the binoculars by the tent. Go back to the roof of the inn and use them. You’ll see an elderly woman open the curtains temporarily and close them again. She wants you to come. Go over to the mansion and enter through the storm cellarYou’ll see creepy dolls and a sheet covering a sewing dummy. Go to the right a little more. Attempt to climb the stairs but they fall apart. Jump up and push the small crate off of the larger one. Push them both until the bigger crate is just about near where the stairs resume. You’ll pass by a fireplace with a picture of a happy couple.Go up the wide stairs and enter through the door. Go to the right until you see a telescope. Look around for a little bit. As you go to exit, you’ll hear (literally hear) a woman’s voice asking “Are you looking for someone?” Of course, with the manners you have, the first thing you ask is if this woman’s a ghost. She says she’s not, but she’s here to take care of some unfinished business. And she’s going to help you with your ghost hunting journey. She tells you to see Jane, the baker from that Gingerbread house place and say that Fiona sent me.Exit the mansion and go to the bakery. Talk to the baker, who should be Jane. Say that Fiona sent you.She says that you are so interested in finding the spirits. Then, she’ll press a button and open a secret area. It has ghost hunting equipment: a thermal sensor, a thermometer, an emf detector, and a camera. On your way out, grab some hot cross buns from the table. Exit. Go to the left into the cemetery. Enter through the gates.Go forward. Go forward again. Turn to the right. Go forward. Turn to the left. Enter through the gates that are marked A. Go up and you’ll see a woman telling you to hide because some guy in a cloak is coming. One of the ghosts mentioned in the pamphlet leaves a rose in front of a grave.The camera will be flashing in the bottom right corner. It’ll lead you to the menu. Click use on the camera. You’ll see a black and white screen. Aim for the hooded guy leaving a rose. It’ll automatically take the picture. The man will run off. You may look at the picture.Exit the cemetery overall and go to the newspaper place. To get out, go to the area marked with an H on the map. Talk to the lady and use the photo. She’ll reward you with 50 bucks. You should store this in the bank. Go there and go down to the bank vault. Click use on the money in front of the security guard. He’ll lead you into the bank vault. When you get in, the security guard’s dog will start digging at something.The thermal detector will flash in the bottom right corner. Use that. Go underneath where the dog is digging, and you’ll see a strange figure hammering at something.In the meantime, go outside and approach near the Hemlock Herald place. You’ll see a group of undercover ghost hunters carrying newspapers, including foil hat guy, the guy who sells souvenirs, the guy holding a camera, and the guy who carries salt. It turns out that your photo has made front page news. The magistrate will walk over and says that it was probably just another hoax. He also yells to get back to their place of residence. Everyone else runs off but you, and the magistrate says that he’s got his eye on you.Meanwhile, a boat docks near the shores of woman in the window manor. Go there. You’ll see the sailor, who’s looking for a room. Give him his room key and he’ll reward you with the ability to use his boat. Get on the boat and head to the left. There’s a lighthouse there. Dock.
As you enter the lighthouse, pick up the unlit torch. It’ll be helpful once you get inside. When you get inside, click use on the torch, stop by where another torch is to get light, and get on the stairs. Jump two times upwards then duck, because there are winds that can both knock you over and put the fire out. When you reach a new staircase, duck the first chance you get on there. Watch out for the gaps.
When you get up, you’ll talk about the temperature, and the thermometer flashes in the bottom left corner. Click use. You’ll place the thermometer. Go to the right a little and go up the ladder. Go through the shattered window and click on the light. Go up-right diagonally until you see an Alcatraz-like prison. Jump off the lighthouse and get on the boat. Head towards that direction, but watch out for the rocks. Get into the prison.
That place is BIG. Click use on the emf detector. Head towards the right and use the elevator. Go to floor H. The EMF detector will be in the orange area when you get there. Go to the right until you see the warden’s office. Enter. You’ll have to click use on your emf detector again. Or you can use the thermal sensor. Either way, you’ll notice that someone is on that rocking chair!
Okay, you’re right in front of a ghost right now. Don’t panic. Instead, use the hot cross buns. The spirit will walk over and eat one of them. He also says that I’m not Prisoner… whatever he said.The spirit of the warden will give you a mugshot of the escaped prisoner. The mugshot shows which cell he is in. After an explanation by the Warden, you should be on your way to go there. Go to floor D and head towards the right until you see Cell 8. Go in… go over to the bed……and the Warden traps you there! Oh goody. He wants you as a living replacement for a dead prisoner. Push the bed out of the way and you’ll see a hole. Go through.You can use the thermal scanner and you’ll see someone in the top right corner. It’s probably the deceased prisoner! Go along. Along the way, you’ll pick up sardines, a pick axe, and a note. Talk to the prisoner. He’ll give you a backstory involving some guy named “Flatbottom” and another named “Valiant”. Exit the tunnel.Now, you have to get out of there yourself. Use the pick axe in the cell, and you’ll end up outside the cell.Board the boat and head towards the regular land. You’ll notice that the thermometer has dropped! Get back in that boat and head back to the lighthouse. You have to use the torch, but there’s no wind bothering you know… especially that there is a floating torch around… O.o Go up the stairs. When you get up there, you’ll see the spirit of the lighthouse keeper crying over something.He’ll also say that the remains of the boat are north of the lighthouse. Exit the lighthouse and go on the boat. Travel north, and the lighthouse light will be showing a scene of horrible wreckage.Examine the wreckage and you’ll find a locket. Go back to regular land. When you land, examine the locket.Go into the manor and follow the same way you did before. This time, after you enter the door, go left and up. Fiona is by the bed.Talk to her and you’ll give her both the locket and the note to the prisoner.She says that the ring that this Henry guy gave her is at the bottom of the fountain. She cries and walks off. Get down and you’ll encounter a scrapbook. Open it.Go to the fountain on Main Street. A bird is there guarding her nest. Use the sardines to drive her off. Go into the nest and click on the object shimmering in the nest. It’s the ring! Okay, now go to the left and enter the cemetery. Right, forward, right, forward, forward, forward, right, enter. Go to the engraver’s shop and click use on the ring in front of the engraver. You ask what’s his job and his response: go to the archives and look up August 18, 1929. Exit the cemetery and go to the Hemlock Herald place.At the Hemlock Herald place, go to the archives and click the microfilm.Turn the cranks until it says 1929. Then click zoom. Henry Flatbottom is the magistrate! Go to Lot A of the cementary (A on the map). Walk to the left until you see a grave with Candles. Open it the rest of the way and climb down the ladder that comes out.  Now, you’ll encounter ANOTHER labyrinth. However, it’s not as complicated. Just follow the pink rose petals. Go up the ladder. It’s a secret passage from the tree stump! You’ll hear footsteps or something and hide. You see the cloaked man and he sneezes. You’ll come from your hiding place and confront this guy. You’ll follow him into the stump… and end up back in lot A. Chase him around until you see him where you first saw him, the covered grave he put the flower on. Once you get there, you’ll take off his hood, shake the salt into his eyes… and it IS the magistrate. He tries and goes off-topic, asking you to leave. You go off-topic from HIS off-topicness and say that he’s responsible for the death of Valiant Lovejoy by sending the fake letter. The magistrate responds that he likes Fiona as well and had to betray his best friend to do so. He keeps sending the roses to try and plead forgiveness for the death, but it isn’t working for him. A gust of wind blows, blowing away the cobwebs, clearly showing Fiona’s name on the grave…
The spirit of Fiona comes out from behind a grave and says that she forgives him and thanks him for his confession. The rest of the spirits are there too.  Fiona approaches closer to Valiant and says that she thanks us for giving them the chance to finally rest in peace. They disappear, along with the other spirits. The magistrate will thank you for helping him find peace between the spirits and himself. For that… he gives you the island medallion!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lots of new excitement!!

Ghost Story is out today for members! Yay!

If you haven't seen the countdown on thePoptropica homepage, here's the news: Early Access for Ghost Story Island starts this Thursday, December 15, for Poptropica Members!

Also you can win one of ten Poptropica toys just by being a teenager in America. In addition, one lucky grand prize winner will win a 30-inch inflatable blimp signed by Poptropica Creator Jeff Kinney!

Finally there will be a new feature soon in Poptropica... Will it be the Friend feature's return after its one day of being in multpilayer rooms but not working?

Change is in the air...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It has finally arrived!

We've been hinting about it, and at last, it's here: the first ever Poptropica app, Poptropica: Official Tips & Tricks!

This is the only official app from the Poptropica Creators, and it's the only app with detailed guides and hi-res screenshots of your favorite Poptropica Islands. Everyone who downloads the app gets the Game Show Island guide for FREE! Other guides are available in-app for only 99 cents each.

If you have an iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad, download the Poptropica Tips & Tricks app from the App Store.

If you have an Android-powered phone or tablet, download the Poptropica Tips & Tricks app from the Android Market.

Even more guides will be available soon for this app. Watch for updates!


I am getting this App. This is pretty exciting! What do you guys think? Post a comment on what you think about this app.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Official Guide to Spook Central

Go to your flying blimp and go to the map. Fly until you see Ghost Story Island and click on "PLAY THE SPOOK CENTRAL GAME NOW!"
You are now in a room full of machinery, and there is a women working on a large broken machine. After you talk to the woman (her name’s Daphne Dreadnaught), she tells you about how the machine harbored five ghost and they escaped to different islands and it is up to you to find them (and if you do it will be worth your while). To help, she gives you a file on who and where the ghosts are, a net to catch them in and an EMF detector to tell when they are near.

You must travel to the different islands to find the ghosts. When they see you they say "Aha! I see you mortal!" and try to fly away but you have to touch them with your net to capture them and get them back to Daphne. The Brown Lady is on Skullduggery Island, main street. Sweet William’s Ghost is Shrink Ray Island, main street. Deogen is on Steamworks Island, in the museum. The Headless Horseman is outside the factory on 24 Carrot Island. The Bell Witch is inside the Trading Post on Wild West island.
After you catch all of the ghosts, you need to touch them with the net, go back to Daphne’s lab. She says “Oh, you’ll get what’s coming to you” (if you are a Non-Member, the journey stops here for you). Then she unleashes all the ghosts in her lab and tries to use them to conquer Poptropica. You have to capture them like you did before. If you can’t catch them in under a minute, they take over Poptropica. If you succeed in catching them, you get the Ghost Hunter Suit and the satisfaction of saving Poptropica. For the 18th time!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ghost Story Mini-Game

Want to win this Ghost Hunter Suit?

There's a new costume available on Poptropica:

But you can't get the Ghost Hunter Suit just anywhere! Nope, you'll need to earn it. It seems that several ghosts have scattered across Poptropica, and only those who can capture all of them will get the Ghost Hunter Suit.

How can you get started? Just go to Poptropica now and visit your travelmap. You'll see a new icon for the "Spook Central" mini-game. Start the game, and the rest is up to you.

Good hunting!

avatar image

The new Ghost Story Mini-Game is out and is called Spook Central....
Guide Coming Soon.....

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Looks Like the ghost story's aren't story's any more!

The ghost with the most

Things are about to get very spooky on Poptropica!

avatar image

So what do we see here? A non-playable character ghost is flying around while the player is standing in the middle of Shrink Ray island. Why wouldn't he see you and why would you hide. I think it's about time to find out!

Looks Like the ghost story's aren't story's any more!

And there is a new Ben 10/Generator Rex add and here are the prizes.

Also I have gotten a 5 star battle ranking! But while doing this I saw some weird things... People holding pets... Is this going to be in Poptropica's future or is it from an add? There was the Barbie add almost a year ago that let you hold a dog, but how do you get a cat? We will have to wait and see.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Legendary Swords Guide

Legendary Swords is a brand new adventure inside of Poptropica where you battle robots who are trying to take over the islands of Poptropica. The way you fight them is by using a series of legendary swords that are very powerful. The different swords are found as you continue the adventure. Legendary swords is more of an action style game within Poptropica and requires more reflexes, timing and skill than the normal island quests. It’s one of the first adventures in Poptropica that uses combat. 

The Swords

In the first installment of the adventure, there are two different Legendary Swords you will find. The first is inside the cave at the beginning. It is in a rock down on the cavern floor. The second appears at the end of the battle with the first major boss. The two swords are:
  • The Rusty Relic, a two-star power sword
  • The Bolt, a four-star power sword
If you have any costumes from the Poptropica Store that came with swords (such as the different Knight costumes, or the Masked Hero costume), you will be allowed to use those swords as well in the game. Here’s a list of the different swords you can use. All of them are three-star power swords.
  • Templar Knight
  • Masked Hero
  • Ninja
  • Pirate Sword
  • Laser
  • Earth Knight
  • Dark Knight
  • Skullduggery

First, purchase the Legendary Swords gold card if you haven’t already. It is currently Free+, which means it is free for everybody but members get extra benefits. Click on visit.
The intro is like a movie, it even shows the title like a movie!
You’ll fly around space, passing Pewter Moon, Ice Planet, and Lava Planet in the process. Then, you’ll come across a jungle planet (not the mechanical jungle planet). You’ll say that space is so peaceful.
As if on clue, you can see explosions coming from the planet. Curious as you are, you go down to investigate.
When you arrive, you see a bunch of alien animals running away from… something. You’re even more curious now.
Go to the right, and then go up. You’ll notice a cave. Go in.
Navigate through the cave. Drop then go to the left to see a hidden thing that isn’t important to the plot: a broken robot. Yikes.
Go to the right and go up, and you’ll see bats fly away. Creepy. Go to the right.
Continue going right. A pop-up will appear on the bottom, pointing out the stone in the stone. Click on it to recieve the first storyline sword in the game.
When you go to the right a little, you’ll encounter your first health crystal in the game. Whack it with your sword until there’s nothing left. Somewhere in this cave, if you go to a section with bones on a dark cave wall, you may encounter a shiny skull. Click on it to obtain a skull mask wearable item. (The mask is optional.)
Continue on right, and you’ll encounter your first enemy robots in the game: two bats. That third one with the camera on its head? You can’t attack it. Just attack the two other bots instead. Like a little tattletale, the camera bat flies out. You’ll encounter camera bat later on when you encounter your large-sized robots.
If you got hurt, take a health crystal or two, but make sure to use them only when you need to.
Continue on to the right, where you’ll see two robots discussing a plan for invading Poptropica, led by a guy named E. Vile. Sheesh, how many overlord wannabes will be in Poptropica? The “Charge-Bots” I will call them, will notice you. Jump. Attack. You get it. Then, contining on, fighting on, you’ll encounter a “Laser-Bot”. Careful, because hense the nickname, it shoots lasers at you. Fight. Fight your way on through (don’t try to lead the bots into that pond, E. Vile must be smart to make the bots water-proof) and you’ll encounter “Rocket-Bots”, turtle-like bots that shoot rockets at you. Use your sword to deflect the rockets. Fight. Destruct. Fight. Destruct. Heal. Go up. Go right.
Then, you’ll encounter a bigger version of the rocket-bot, whom I’ll call “Momma Turtle” and Camera Bat will tattletale about the human who has been reducing the robot population. Momma Turtle will start attacking now. Go to the middle of the bot itself and attack. There will be targets on the ground every once in a while to indicate where rockets will be heading. Unlike the smaller version, the rockets don’t follow you. Try and make it so that Momma Turtle will be damaged by its own rockets as well as the fury of your sword. Once you defeat it, heal yourself and climb up vines. On the first platform, there is a health crystal. Get it. Along the way, you’ll notice boulders falling, and you’ll encounter Laser-Bots. If there’s multiple ones at once, take your fight to the main ground. It’ll be worth it to know you’d have more space to fight. After you fight a group of three Laser-Bots, you can continue up. Watch out for the boulders. Go up.
will start throwing boulders at you. But for now, it’s only one at a time. Dodge em. Make sure you get to those health crystals first. Fight. Be careful when he starts picking up and throwing boulders like crazy. Go a little bit in front of him and run! When he stops, he’ll pause, since he’s exhausted. Attack. Repeat this a few times, and he’ll explode eventually.
When you defeat Mr. Boulder, the rock next to him collapses, revealing another sword! It’s the most powerful in the game (so far) and it’s called… “The Bolt”! Go to the right. I think it’s a good idea to hold onto the Zeus Sword for the rest of the game.
When you go right, you’ll see Charge-Bots and Laser-Bots, providing you the oppurtunity to try out your new sword. As you’ll learn, it’s pretty powerful. 4 stars. Woo.
Defeat the few robots and snatch the health crystals. Camera Bat tattletales again to a robot I like to call “Master-Laser”. He’s pretty easy though. Go to the middle of the bot. Jump when he uses the laser. Fight him from the middle. Eventually, he’ll explode. Continue on to Spider Forest. In the Spider Forest, there are little spiders, and then there are big spiders. You may take the time to laugh at the spiderwebs that have Charlotte’s Web references.
Navigate through the trampolines and vines and go to the top and fight.. Go right when you get to the top.
Go. You’ll encounter a health crystal that only gives you two, but two powerful health crystals. You’ll encounter a robot, like, 5 times the size of you. You’ll be relieved that it’s off.
Go on one of those platforms that shoot you into the air. The robot will follow you. It is immune except for one spot: the area where a clock and a tube is. Jump when it attacks the ground. When it pauses for a second, attack the area that is glowing red. Repeat this several times. Heal when necessary. And eventually, the thing will explode…Then, a myserious flying gold thing will fly and open… showing… him. E. Vile. As a hologram.After you say that, E. Vile’s hologram will shut off and fly away. Your space shuttle will appear and you go in, saying “I’ll find you, E. Vile".
Unlockable Prizes:
 For All: Skull Mask and Rusty Relic

A mask hidden in the first cave

First Sword

The second sword

Prize for completing first week.

Blimp Adventure Guide

In Blimp Adventure, there is trouble in the skies over Poptropica! A dastardly villain, Dr. Cumulo Nimbus, is using his flying weather-machine to blast lightning bolts at the islands below, setting them on fire! Put out the fires using the water bucket attached to your blimp and save the day! The game is similar in concept to the boss fight at the end of Red Dragon Island, where you had to stop the Red Dragon from using its fire breath to burn down the village. Blimp Adventure is a special mini-game that you gain access to when you purchase the Poptropica Inflatable Blimp Toy. When you enter the code that appears on the green coin that comes with your toy, you’ll get the Blimp Adventure gold card in your backpack inventory and can play the game using the card.

Basic Gameplay

Move the blimp with your mouse, and click your mouse button to pour water onto a burning building. Refill your bucket by dunking it in the water below. The red meters above the buildings show the amount of damage. The meter will disappear when the fire is put out. If the meter gets filled completely that building will be destroyed. You lose the game if too many buildings are destroyed. If you lose, you have the option to play the level over using easy mode, where your water lasts longer.

Level 1
Once you put out all the fires, the level is complete. Dr. Cumulo Nimbus will appear and taunt you before moving onto the next level. As you progress through each level, they get harder and Dr. Cumulo Nimbus introduces new weapons that make it harder to navigate your blimp and put out the fires.
This is a very basic level where you learn how to play the game. All you need to do here is drop the water on the fires. Refill by dunking the bucket back into the ocean and then return to putting out the fires once your water level (the blue bar in the top-right corner) is full. There are three islands with huts on fire. The first two only have one building each and the third island has three.

Level 2
In the second level, things get a little tougher. Dr. Cumulo Nimbus deploys air mines. These are floating mines that damage your blimp if you hit them. They’re only dangerous when armed, which is when the red lights on them are lit. All of the fires are on one island and they’re closely grouped together. So it’s fairly easy to put out all the fires as long as you successfully avoid touching the five mines that he places above the island.

Level 3
Once you advance to the third level, you’ll find that Dr. Nimbus has a nastier kind of mine that he will use to try and stop you. These are the lightning mines, which are blue. When lit, they will shoot lightning bolts at you that damage your ship. You’ll get attacked if you get close enough to the mine–they can attack without you touching them, making them much more dangerous than the normal air mines you encountered in the previous level. In this island, there is a small fire on the lighthouse at the beginning and several large fires burning in the town to the right. It’s easiest to take care of the lighthouse fire first and then move to the big island, but if you don’t move quickly enough, you’ll probably lose some of the buildings

Level 4
In this level, you’ll need to put out a series of fires that are burning a large castle on a single island. The good news is that there’s only one area to focus on, meaning that you don’t have to fly back and forth between fires. The bad news is that in this level, you’ll encounter smart mines along with the other mines from the earlier levels. These new mines have yellow lights and they will follow you around, so you can’t stay in one place for too long. Fortunately, they don’t move very fast. You can “shake off” the mines for a while by flying off to the side and letting them follow you, and then return to putting out the fire.

Level 5
In this final level, instead of putting out fires, you’ll pick up snowballs at the bottom of the screen and then drop them on top of Dr. Cumulo Nimbus’ fortress. In addition to mines, there are ice cannons that will aim at your balloon and shoot at you. If you get hit, you’ll take damage and you’ll drop the snowball if you were carrying one. While avoiding the mines and cannons, pick up the snowballs and then carry them above the fortress in the middle. Once in position, drop the snowball and you will damage the fortress. Do this enough times and you’ll win the level–and the game. Remember that once you pick up a snowball, you have to keep the mouse button pressed to carry it. Release the mouse button to drop the snowball once you’re in position.

Game Show Guide

Go to Game Show Island if you’re not yet there. Go left, and bounce on the bouncie roof of Robo-Bling Boutique. Once at the roof, you will see a red toolkit. Grab it, and go back down. Go left, and go inside a building titled The Factory. Go up, and find the Crane.Press the little green “Up” button. Make it a reasonable height;you’re Poptropican must be able to jump onto it. Keep on making it go up, and alternating sides to make it go up. When you finally get to the top, go left, and click on the computer with the glowing red dot. Anyway, you’re Poptropican will put in a code onto the computer, and an obstacle blocking a passage will open. Go through it, and use you’re toolkit. With you’re screwdriver, click and hold on each of the screws, and turn left. Then, choose the option that is to the top left. Then, one of the workers will give you an electric fan. Go outside, and all the way to the right. As you try to enter Club Noveau Riche, a giant gold robot will tell you to fix the AC.Go inside, and talk to the owner. He’s a weird disco-looking robot.Anyway, he’ll tell you to cool him off. So take out your electric fan, and fan him. Then, he’ll give you a quarter that says “In Holmes we trust.” This is because the robots are all following a rogue robot, Holmes. D: With your nickel, exit the club, and go all the way left. You’ll see a homeless Poptropican. Give him the nickel. And in return, he’ll give you some heat vision goggles. Go back to the club, and out on the goggles. You’ll see someone go up a shaft. Follow them by going outside and finding this window.Go inside by using your toolkit. The Inventor will not believe you went in. As he runs away, he will activate a mini obstacle course. Go to the highest floor, and push the record player onto the little elevator thingy. It’ll go down. You go down too, and try going right. The Inventor will drop this ball thingy on you, and you’ll fall.
Go right, to get up to the Inventor. Make sure you get to spot with a door,
Click on the little pass code thingy, and put on your heat vision goggles. The code is 2014. Go in the door, and then the Inventor will explain to you the truth. Apparently, Holmes’s programming went wrong. And that’s why he wants you to take over the world. You’ll get a helicopter, and time for game shows! Use your Jet Remote Control.Note: These can be done in a different order. But I’m doing it in the order it is in.

Land in Istanbul, and go right. When you see a sign saying “Site under repair. Do not pass!”, go ahead and pass. Talk to the guy that looks like a construction worker.
Okay, you have to move the second to the fourth. And each piece can only go on something heavier than itself. Piece 1 is the blue one on top, piece two is the long gold one, piece 3 is the beige one, and piece 4 is the gold heavy one, at the bottom. First, put piece 1 on the third base. Then piece 2 on the fourth base. Then pick up piece 1 and put it on top of piece 2.Now put piece 3 on the third base. Pick up piece 1 and out it over piece 4.Now put piece 2 on piece 3, and piece 1 on piece 2. Put piece 4 on the fourth base, and piece one on top of it. Put piece 2 on base 2. It will look like this:Now piece 1 on top of piece 2, and piece 3 on piece four. Piece 1 on third base and piece 2 on piece 3. Finally, piece 1 on piece 2.  The construction worker will be so pleased that you did it, and he’ll give you a ticket to “Scaredy Pants”. Use it. Time to show those robots you’re awesome! The first challenge, you have to get the glow stick, and get it to its place in time.Beware the evil fishies. They shock you. Anyway, challenge 2 is Creeper Keepers. You need to grab up a creature and put it in its correct bag. After you’re done, challenge 3. You have to manage to stay balanced. Push a little harder when near a fan. Then you’re done!

Miami: Upon landing, you’ll see two robots arguing. Go talk to the sad looking robot. Great, now you need to catch all of his prizes. Because thou art a good person. The CrazyRoboLady will throw down three prizes, each higher than the rest. To ensure a safe passage, you need to step on each window thingy, and tilt it, making a path straight to the robot.After you successfully save all three prizes, the robot will give you a ticket for “Spin for Riches”. Use it! Spin for Riches, here we come!Spin for Riches is pretty much Wheel of Fortune. There’s a phrase. You get to spin, and guess a letter. It’s pretty easy. If you think you know the phrase, solve it! You can also lose a turn, or get a pre-chosen letter. There are three rounds. When you’re done, call the copter.

Buenos Aires:You land on Buenos Aires, and go left all the way, until you see this big gold robot. Click on the gold rings, under the clock, and turn them. The outer ring will be ring 1. The middle ring will be ring 2. The ring in the middle will be ring 3. First, click the 1. Then the 3. Then the 2. That’s it! You’ll get a ticket for Kerplunk. Kerplunk is pretty much Wipeout. It’s extremely fun to play!

Moscow:This challenge is a bit harder than the others.What you have to do, is guess the code for the helicopter to land. An easy way to figure it out:
First row, leave everything blue. The robot will tell you which color is correct. Second, everything yellow. Then purple. Then orange. That way you’ll get all the colors by the fifth go! The copter will land, and go talk to the robot coming out of it. Ticket for Brainiacs!
Brainiacs is very easy, if you know much about a certain subject. I, for one, picked the World of Poptropica. I know my villains, my places, my islands. After getting all the answers answered, pick your second best subject. If you find it harder than you thought, pick something else. For the final wager, you need to calculate carefully. Think about the subject, and how much the other robots have. Then, you’re done with that game show!

When you land, talk to the BotCop. He’ll tell you to fix the electricity for their precious game show. It’s a Steamworks puzzle. Something done by thinking quick. Then you’ll get into Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge!
First challenge: Spell Yoshi. Just find all the letters. Cake. The second, click fast. The third, run around like you’ve been stuck in cupboard for ten years. Then, you’re done!
Ah… Time for the battle. Call on your helicopter, and go to Main Street.
You must not be seen… Go straight right, and drop straight down, before the museum. Go down the hole to meet up with the Inventor. You’ll get a thumb drive to reprogram Holmes. Pretty much, you have to solve the puzzles now. Every time you get closer, Holmes will offer something. When you get to the main Holmes computer, put in the thumb drive, and voila! Done!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

6... Days... Away!

Legendary Swords tips and tricks

Legendary Swords is just one week away. Here are some tips for how to make your experience as legendary as possible.

Legendary Swords launches on 11/11/11, only in the Poptropica Store!

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Oh my goooosh! This looks so excitingly fun!
Look here children, there is a new add!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

...And there are three new adds!!

The first of the new adds is Johny English Reborn video. Here is a picture of it and its prize.

The next is a Johny English Reborn building. Here is a video guide and a photo of the prizes.

And also there is a Puss In Boots 3-D advertisement. Here is a video and the pictures of the prizes.

The List of all the new free items that you can now get!

Dr. Hare's Secret Lab is now available for free!

Attention Poptropicans: The Dr. Hare's Secret Lab mini-quest is now free in the Poptropica Store.

Wait -- is that a typo? We're GIVING this exciting adventure away?

Once I'm back from my travels, I'll be sure to have some words with the other Creators about this. There's entirely too much merriment around Poptropica these days!

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Also, the new scavenger hunt is out. Check here. So...

The last word in the first section on Page 9 E_ _ _ _ _ _
The 15th word on Page 73 C _ _ _ _ _ _
The 41st word in the synopsis on Page 106 C _ _ _ _ _ _
E_ _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ _ _ _ _

It is EXPLORECOLLECTCOMPETE. All one word and when you enter it you get your super special prize!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things that Poptropica wants you to forget: Monster Carnival Island

"In other news. Codien has uncovered some very rare pictures that Smockers would love to have. :mrgreen:

Does this have a connection to either of the Mechanical Jungle or the UFO mysteries? …DUH DOH DAH


Found in one of Codien's walk-through videos."

This is from the PHB, and it is a few years old but it still interests everyone. What happened? Where did it go? Will it come back? And why were the item leaked?

After doing the research I have found some answers that just might answer these questions. 

It all starts in 2008 when leaks from the island including horns, wings, etc. 


The dragon wings were the same colour as your hair.

So apparently there was some kind of 'Leak' just before the release of Monster Island. Due to the resemblance of the items towards 'Monsters', I'm guessing they came from the island too. Maybe this is why Monster Island never came out.

So when did this 'leak' happen. Well i have have found on many sites that it happened 2 to 3 months ago.
So what type of items were leaked. Well i went researching and this is what i found.

Unicorn horn

Scrawny wings

Face polka dots

Dragon Spikes and tail (One of the items Legoless had)

Dragon Wings

Bubble brain (Another of the items Legoless had)

Dragon wings (for head)

Goat Horns (Another of the items Legoless had)

Dragonfly wings

Body stripes

Body dots

Devil horns" from the PHB on the leaks....

So, after this has happened, the leaks had "happened" to disappear slowly. Then, a few days later, the island completely disappeared. A few years and a long enough time to forget later, almost all of the leaked items where released in the store as the "Furry Monsters" and nothing has come if it. The Creators have never even said anything about the existence or disappearance of this island, almost as if it never existed...

Now that you know the back story here is the theory on what happened and it is very simple....

A bug in the computer coding that made up the island compromised it and sent random parts of it out, this same bug made the island unusable because of th flaws in coding etc. so they just got rid of it and never looked back or acknowledged it.       

Thanks for reading "Things that Poptropica wants you to forget: Monster Carnival Island"

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The good Dr. Captain Grande is in.

Time is running out to claim the first scavenger hunt prize!

Just a friendly reminder: if you haven't yet found the answers to our first Poptropica guidebook scavenger hunt, time is running out! The first scavenger hunt will be open until until Wednesday, October 26. After that, the code won't work and you won't be able to claim the prize.

For more details about our scavenger hunt, click here.

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Remember that the code is DRCAPTAINGRANDE so hurry up and get your special prize before time runs out!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Header

I am going to put up a limited time header with all of my previous headers of this month. Here are all of the headers that are going to be in it...
The new one to start this off.

The first header I had.

The second header.

The third header.

My fourth header.

My newest header.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Is that another secret item I see?

What's in the freight car?

Eagle-eyed Poptropicans may have noticed some familiar items in the freight car on Mystery Train. It seems that the World's Fair organizers brought along a lot of items from other Poptropica Islands!

Can you look at this picture of the freight car and guess which Islands the numbered objects came from?

Click the image to see the full-sized version.

We'll give you the weekend to puzzle over it. Then we'll post the answers next week.

In the meantime, if you haven't had a chance to take a ride on the Mystery Train yet, visit Poptropica now to play! Mystery Train is open to all.

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Appears we will have to wait till Monday to see what they are all from... unless you can figure it out! I've gotten all of them except for one...


Poptropica: The Official Guide book and scavenger hunt are now available!

At last, our first book is here! Poptropica: The Official Guide is available today. You can find it at, or in bookstores everywhere.

Today is also the first day of our book scavenger hunt! Visit our official book page to get your first clue. Find the answer in the pages of your book, then log onto your Poptropica account and enter the answer in the code field to claim your prize!

Enter the answer in the bottom righthand corner of your Welcome Back page.

This code will only work for a limited time. There will be a new clue every two weeks through November, so keep checking back!

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Here is the link to the sight that tells you the clues. 
So what do you think?
D_C_ _ _ _ _ _G _ _ _ _ _
Well let us think. Page 14 would be island 4 so D_ is Dr etc. So the code for your awesome(ish) new prize is DRCAPTAINGRANDE. Hurry to get your special prize now. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Finaly you can solve for your own self!

Mystery Train is now available to all!

The wait is over. Everyone can now play the entire Mystery Train quest on Poptropica!
Visit Poptropica now to play Mystery Train!
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The legend is here....... FINALY!!!

Announcing... Legendary Swords!

We're excited to announce an all-new Poptropica experience: Legendary Swords!

What is Legendary Swords? It's not an Island. It's a brand-new type of adventure that will be available soon in the Poptropica Store.

We'll have a lot more to tell you about Legendary Swords, including gameplay details and the release date, right here in the official Poptropica blog. In the meantime, get those reflexes ready -- you'll need them!

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Isn't that..... EPIC AND LEGEN-WAITFORIT-DARY!!!! Remember that from the Daily Pop? Pretty awesome, huh?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where my hypnotic?

New this week in the Poptropica Store

The Poptropica birthday blowout continues, with the return of two long-lost items to the Poptropica Store!

This week, Poptropica Members can pick up the Nessie Hat, which you may remember as one of the most difficult items to find in the history of Poptropica. Only those few people who spotted the Loch Ness Monster in the Cryptids Island viewfinder won this hat. But now through the end of September, all Poptropica Members can get this hat to keep forever.

The other item is the Hypnotize costume, which was once available by clicking on a particular window in Early Poptropica. This time, you don't need to go any further than the Poptropica Store.

These and all of the Poptropica birthday items will only be available until the end of September. That means you've only got 9 days to grab them before they're gone again -- and this time, they may never come back! If you're already a Poptropica Member, visit the Store and get your free items. If you're not yet a Member, find out how to get Poptropica Membership today.

And keep on rocking those 4th birthday balloons!

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You can still get the Hypnotic for free! Check out my Early Poptropica Guide here to see how.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mystery Train Guide

Written by Super Thunder & Brave Tomato
Special thanks to: Hijuyo & Elmo Pwns
Edited by Fuzzy-B
Go to Mystery Train if you’re not already there. Then, walk over to the guy pushing hard on something. Can you believe it? It’s Thomas Edison! Talk to him. He wants you to help him with his ramp. So… Do it! This is the order to make the ramp work:
And… Yay! For being so nice and helping him, you get to go on the train with him! All aboard!
So, get on the train, talk to people, meet people. Most of them are famous. However, be sure to speak to him:

Oh no! The wheel isn’t working! He’ll give you a telegram message. Now go left, to meet more people. S.B. Anthony will give you a pamphlet… And be sure to meet EVERYONE. Several other people will give you things, like newspapers.
Finally, go meet Mr. Edison. He got his machine ready, and wants to test it out! And then… It’s working! But disaster strikes. Because just as he leaves to get e reporter… The train curves, and goes into a tunnel. And momentarily, the light is gone! And when th light is back, the machine is stolen. Then Mr. Edison comes back…
And so… You’re on the case. Talk to the reporter. Apparently Twain had a secret compartment. Go ask more people around. And to get to talk everyone, what I did was start from the right, all the way, and work my way to the back of the train.
Start this again every tim someone gives you a new clue. S.B. Anthony said that Tesla has been locked in his cabin the whole time. So go right, and start asking again.
Now, Gustave Eiffel said that he heard a cabin door open and close when the train went into the tunnel. Was it Tesla’s?
And when you go to Mark Twain. he gets… Quite suspicious when you mention the secret compartment.

So tap around the walls, to find the different sounding wall. It’s the 3 by 2 one. The one that goes “THUMP!”

h, it turns out it was the manuscript. Oops. But then, suddenly, the train stops.
Once you get out, talk to the reporter. He says that he heard someone running outside of Edison’s door! He might have left a clue…
And sure enough, when you go check, the floor is covered with prune juice!

After discovering the prune juice, walk a little right, to get a Pencil. And now, you go right and start the questioning all over again.
Not much information is relieved, except Edison said the prune trail seems to lead to the Dining Car. Le Monde Reporter (whom I call Frenchy) says a similar thing.
And finally, when you talk to the Porter, she (in my case. The porter is supposed to look just like you) throws the order sheet away, saying that orders are confidential.

So open up the notebook, and using the pencil, check for an imprint. Apparently, Tesla ordered the prune juice. But he won’t talk to you. So go take a look at his luggage.
There are coal smudges on his trunk, and when you lean down, you get attacked by a pair of scissors. If they really wanted to gt rid of you, they would have attacked with something more, uh, powerful. But this is Poptropica!
Anyway, you get the scissors, and now you start asking again.
The Coal Man says this:
But for now, skip asking everyone. Just go straight to the Porter. And the Porter confirms that, yes, the Coal Man did get something to drink.
Now go to the luggage cart, and Frenchy will be right there. Talk to her. She says the key might be in his cabin, the key to Tesla’s trunk. But you can’t get in, so she tells you to go dress up as the Porter. So, go to the Porter closet, and get the Porter uniform. Now go to Tesla’s room.
Once inside, he says he wants a prune juice refill. So walk to his drawers, and pick up the prune juice. Refill, refill. Then he’s got to go to the bathroom. And you’ve got to find the key! Click on everything, and then try here:

The underlined box is where the key is. But first, you have to click everything else. And then, when Tesla comes back, you can leave.
Go to his trunk, and use the key. The device is in there! Frenchy will call the guards, and Tesla gets dragged away… and you go tell Edison. But.. oh no! He plays it, and Tesla was on the other side of the train when this thievery happened! You’ve caught the wrong person!
Due to a same costume deal with ST, this walkthrough contains me WITHOUT my star!

After Telsa had been arrested, Edison says that the device was rolling and it might’ve shown an image of the real theif. However, the only person that ended up there was Telsa, just chilling in a train window… on the other side of the train. Which means…

*dun dun DUNN!!!*
You have to go talk to Telsa. But you can’t go through the car because a guard is blocking the way. Instead, you have to go ON TOP of the train! But how? Ok, go to the luggage car and climb up the luggage where you’ll see a go up sign.

Go up. Now you’re on the top of the train. Duck whenever the redness on the right side of the screen is more up, when a tunnel is passing by. And jump when a sack or whatever it is passes by. Go to the right until you see a hatch. That’s the room Telsa is in. Enter. It’s the coal room, and Telsa is all chained up and stuff.

Talk to him for a while. He’ll say that he had left behind something important in his cabin. And then he’ll ask for something to write with. Click use on the pencil, and he’ll draw a picture of the cabin like it was before he got captured. Exit the coal room to the right. The guard will ask what you did, and you lied saying that nothing was up.
Go to Telsa’s cabin and notice that the briefcase by Telsa’s bed is open. Click on Telsa’s sketch and once the screen opens up, click use. Click on the pen and finally click on the briefcase to make a circle around it. Go back to Telsa the way you did before. Talk to him, telling him that the briefcase is open and all. He’ll start to worry, because something important is inside.

And he has no idea how the case was unlocked.

Um.. Telsa… Poptropicans don’t really have necks :|
Moving on… exit the coal room and go into “Erik Weisz’s” room. Ask about the briefcase, and he’ll start acting weird.

Go to the NY times reporter (he’s near Mark Twain’s room BTW) and ask about Weisz’s odd behavior and he’ll show you an article with a guy who looks familiar.
Erik Weisz = Harry Houdini!
Go back into Houdini’s room and move to the right to the right to pick up a set of lock picks. You’ll confront Weisz for being Houdini and he’ll escape through the hatch in his room.

Follow him!  Which means… more top of the train traveling. Making sure to avoid the obstacles, go to the left until you see an opening on the red cart.

(this is where he fell through)
ONce you land on that cart, you’ll automatically go through the cart into the junk room. You’ll hear a “blub blub” coming from inside those weird curtains. Use the scissors to reveal Houdini trapped in a water tank. But this is no trick: He can’t get out! Now, you need to pick those locks, fast. Line up the things using the appropriate shaped pick and line up the line to where the color of the lock thing changes. The first one is easy because the locks are in order, but the others are all mixed up. My hint: take your time while still going quick.
Once you get Houdini out of there, you’ll accuse Houdini of being a theif. However, he’ll reveal that he’s trying to solve the mystery as well as you are.

Finally, he’ll say to talk with Telsa AGAIN and find out what he is hiding. He’ll disappear (literally) and you need to go on the roof. Again. Go all the way to the luggage room or Houdini’s room *either way it’s fine, but it’s quite a distance from here* and jump up to the hatch. Go back to the coal room, via the train top and talk to him.  He won’t talk until you free him. Use the lock picks again and he’ll tell you what was inside the briefcase: the transformer designed to power the ferris wheel. He’ll give you a sketch of the transformer. Go back to the lobby and talk to Mark Twain. He’ll say this:

Ok, now go to the left until you reach the Pinkerton car. You have to be swift to avoid the traps. Jump up the boxes and jump over the first gap and fall down the second gap. Move quickly to the left and exit the pinkerton car.

You’ll end up in the last boxcar where ANOTHER famous passenger is. And who is it?

Grover Cleveland… that guy who became president twice, right? Say the second dialogue thing… and Cleveland will explain everything. When he does the … thing, here’s the order in which to click the pictures: prune juice, coal marks, luggage key, breifcase, transformer.

The long conversation is over. Go and get to that luggage room. Fortunatley, the Pinkerton man moved the traps out of the way for you, so you can navigate easily. Keep going until you reach the luggage room. Use the key once again and click on the white cover on the case to reveal this:

So it’s either “Frenchy” or Gustav Eiffel. Talk to Eiffel, and he says that he’s French but there’s a lady’s hankerchief in there, so it’s… *dun dun dunnn* “Frenchy”. After the talk, you will arrive at the fair. Now to get off and stop her from destroying the transformer.

So… she’s only doing this for her country’s reputation? :| She will run off and you got to go after her. Once you reach the first area, you’ll see her cry to the guards and do a pity cry emote to go after you. WHAT A DRAMA QUEEN!

The guards will chase after you now. Quickly go up to the podiums and wait for the first lion to be fed. One it’s chewing, jump on its nose. Do the same with the rest of them. You’ll land on a platform. Quickly jump onto the bouncy window things and avoid the flaming and sharp things. There are 4 you have to avoid. You’ll see a sleeping Poptropican using a snake flute or whatever it’s called. Go up the cap and go left. You’ll accidentally interupt a dancing show, and you’ll experience one of the many Poptropica firsts… The girls twirl!

Once you get on the ledge, you’ll see Frenchy at it again… with her pity cry to the guards, and she’ll use the laughing emote afterwords.
Get on the totem poles.

(notice that the weather is starting to look iffy… are we at another Poptropican first here?)
Jump from totem pole to totem pole, trying not to fall to the ground. ONce you get to the 4th one, the guards will shake one of the totem poles and knock them over like a domino effect. Go left. Now.
You’ll see her jump up the ferris wheel. Follow her by climbing ropes and jumping up platforms. And it’s raining. Great. Umbrella anyone? Anyone? No? Just get back on topic? We don’t care for these Poptropica firsts? Ok.

(Hey, watch the lightning! I’m having a confrontation here!)
Once you get up to platform #13, Frenchy will push a crate to push your platform down a notch.

Jump up the roof of the platform… and swing a rope thing across. O_o Yet ANOTHER Poptropican first.

You’ll land on the other side. Climb up more ropes and jump on more ferris wheel cars. ONce you reach the roof of a damaged cart, Frenchy will throw the transformer.

Quickly jump on the rope and swing. You’ll grab the transformer and land on the other side once again. Jump up more carts and corner Frenchy. She’ll be startled by a lightning flash and fall… into a water tank?

Talk to George Ferris and give him the transformer. Then finally, talk to Grover Cleveland and he’ll reward you with the island medallion and 100 credits for the Poptropica Store. Congrats! You’ve completed Mystery Train Island! :D
Case closed.