
Thursday, December 22, 2011

S.O.S! Islands are flying at us once a month.

A Merry Christmas to all! Have a safe and wonderful holiday! See you guys after the holidays! 

The newest Island has been announced... S.O.S. Island!

 When a whale-watching expedition strikes an iceberg, a pleasure cruise becomes a disaster scene. As the ship sinks deeper and deeper into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, can you rescue everyone onboard before it's too late?
It seems to be based on the Titanic, also, is this really an island since you are on a boat? We will have to wait and find out. Also has anyone noticed that we are getting a new island a month.
  • Mystery Train official release - October
  • Game Show - November
  • Ghost Story - December
  • S.O.S. - Most likely January. 
Just some food for thought.
In other news I have added all the Ghost Story links and the S.O.S info page to my Island Guide Page so  head on over and check it out!
Finally, if you haven't heard the new scavenger hunt is out. It gives you crazy hair that you can change with the space bar. The clues are...
Ask For Directions
The guidebook’s author takes this direction home
TV Stars seek out this address on Page 106.
This apartment is your window of opportunity on Page 183.
W _ _ _  1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _
 The answer is west123starave33c so go get your prize now!

There is also a new costume in the store! Elf Costume!
Also there is a new 150 credit Gold Card... The Candy Cane-On. It is basicly a snowball blaster that looks like a candy cane.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what the last scavenger hunt item will be. They've already done a book, backpack, glasses, and hair. Mabye the next one will be some cool shirt and pants which gives you a special ability? I like the elf costume!
