
Thursday, December 22, 2011

S.O.S! Islands are flying at us once a month.

A Merry Christmas to all! Have a safe and wonderful holiday! See you guys after the holidays! 

The newest Island has been announced... S.O.S. Island!

 When a whale-watching expedition strikes an iceberg, a pleasure cruise becomes a disaster scene. As the ship sinks deeper and deeper into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, can you rescue everyone onboard before it's too late?
It seems to be based on the Titanic, also, is this really an island since you are on a boat? We will have to wait and find out. Also has anyone noticed that we are getting a new island a month.
  • Mystery Train official release - October
  • Game Show - November
  • Ghost Story - December
  • S.O.S. - Most likely January. 
Just some food for thought.
In other news I have added all the Ghost Story links and the S.O.S info page to my Island Guide Page so  head on over and check it out!
Finally, if you haven't heard the new scavenger hunt is out. It gives you crazy hair that you can change with the space bar. The clues are...
Ask For Directions
The guidebook’s author takes this direction home
TV Stars seek out this address on Page 106.
This apartment is your window of opportunity on Page 183.
W _ _ _  1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _
 The answer is west123starave33c so go get your prize now!

There is also a new costume in the store! Elf Costume!
Also there is a new 150 credit Gold Card... The Candy Cane-On. It is basicly a snowball blaster that looks like a candy cane.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ghost Story Guide

Written by Brave Tomato. Edited by Fuzzy-B.

Go to Ghost Story Island
. Pick up the salt from the guy carrying it. This may sound odd right now, but later, it’ll be understandable why. Go to the newspaper place and talk to the lady running it. She’ll say that she would pay $50 for any evidence you find of ghosts.
Now, exit the newspaper place and go to the left. You’re in the cemetery gates area. When you walk further, your character will hear a sound that you won’t. Then the gates will open… revealing a tour guide. Thank goodness. He just about to tour you around “haunted” places, when the ma-magi-magistrate busts the tour guide. Mr. Tour Guide will run off and his pamphlet will conveniently land into your hands. The magistrate will tell you to reside for the night… but you really don’t have anywhere. For now, go to the left and talk to this guy with a weird frown, a bow tie, and and is carrying a suitcase. He’s looking for the grave of his uncle, but can’t find it. Go to the right and ask the lady to go into the archives. She’ll allow you to go in without worry.
Click on “Cementary Plots”. Turn a few pages until you see the name Silas Moon. I kinda laughed at some of the names. You’ll highlight Sila’s name. Go back to the cemetery. Talk to the nephew, and he will give you his key to the inn. Great, so you have a room to spend the night.Go to the right until you see the inn.Go into your room, 2B. Click on the bed.During a fun 1st person POV cut scene, you try to sleep, but things keep moving on their own! You can’t sleep, you’re getting scared, and you should investigate.Go to the closet and click on it. The Edna look-a-like will fall out and run to her hubby.You threaten to let the magistrate know, and hubby refuses. Then, the Edna look-a-like will say that in order to find one of the ghosts, you should play her favorite song on the violin.Go to the hallway and go over to where the piano is. Click on the violin next to it and you’ll receive the music as well at the violin itself. Exit and go to the roof of the inn. Click on use on the violin. Move the bow!back and forth to play the song. Don’t worry if your bow starts glowing, that’s normal. After playing the song, you’ll notice that something is going on. Go down and talk to that weird ghost hunter guy.He’ll say he saw what’s going on in the window too. However, the magistrate will take him away. Again. After he and the magistrate has gone, pick up the binoculars by the tent. Go back to the roof of the inn and use them. You’ll see an elderly woman open the curtains temporarily and close them again. She wants you to come. Go over to the mansion and enter through the storm cellarYou’ll see creepy dolls and a sheet covering a sewing dummy. Go to the right a little more. Attempt to climb the stairs but they fall apart. Jump up and push the small crate off of the larger one. Push them both until the bigger crate is just about near where the stairs resume. You’ll pass by a fireplace with a picture of a happy couple.Go up the wide stairs and enter through the door. Go to the right until you see a telescope. Look around for a little bit. As you go to exit, you’ll hear (literally hear) a woman’s voice asking “Are you looking for someone?” Of course, with the manners you have, the first thing you ask is if this woman’s a ghost. She says she’s not, but she’s here to take care of some unfinished business. And she’s going to help you with your ghost hunting journey. She tells you to see Jane, the baker from that Gingerbread house place and say that Fiona sent me.Exit the mansion and go to the bakery. Talk to the baker, who should be Jane. Say that Fiona sent you.She says that you are so interested in finding the spirits. Then, she’ll press a button and open a secret area. It has ghost hunting equipment: a thermal sensor, a thermometer, an emf detector, and a camera. On your way out, grab some hot cross buns from the table. Exit. Go to the left into the cemetery. Enter through the gates.Go forward. Go forward again. Turn to the right. Go forward. Turn to the left. Enter through the gates that are marked A. Go up and you’ll see a woman telling you to hide because some guy in a cloak is coming. One of the ghosts mentioned in the pamphlet leaves a rose in front of a grave.The camera will be flashing in the bottom right corner. It’ll lead you to the menu. Click use on the camera. You’ll see a black and white screen. Aim for the hooded guy leaving a rose. It’ll automatically take the picture. The man will run off. You may look at the picture.Exit the cemetery overall and go to the newspaper place. To get out, go to the area marked with an H on the map. Talk to the lady and use the photo. She’ll reward you with 50 bucks. You should store this in the bank. Go there and go down to the bank vault. Click use on the money in front of the security guard. He’ll lead you into the bank vault. When you get in, the security guard’s dog will start digging at something.The thermal detector will flash in the bottom right corner. Use that. Go underneath where the dog is digging, and you’ll see a strange figure hammering at something.In the meantime, go outside and approach near the Hemlock Herald place. You’ll see a group of undercover ghost hunters carrying newspapers, including foil hat guy, the guy who sells souvenirs, the guy holding a camera, and the guy who carries salt. It turns out that your photo has made front page news. The magistrate will walk over and says that it was probably just another hoax. He also yells to get back to their place of residence. Everyone else runs off but you, and the magistrate says that he’s got his eye on you.Meanwhile, a boat docks near the shores of woman in the window manor. Go there. You’ll see the sailor, who’s looking for a room. Give him his room key and he’ll reward you with the ability to use his boat. Get on the boat and head to the left. There’s a lighthouse there. Dock.
As you enter the lighthouse, pick up the unlit torch. It’ll be helpful once you get inside. When you get inside, click use on the torch, stop by where another torch is to get light, and get on the stairs. Jump two times upwards then duck, because there are winds that can both knock you over and put the fire out. When you reach a new staircase, duck the first chance you get on there. Watch out for the gaps.
When you get up, you’ll talk about the temperature, and the thermometer flashes in the bottom left corner. Click use. You’ll place the thermometer. Go to the right a little and go up the ladder. Go through the shattered window and click on the light. Go up-right diagonally until you see an Alcatraz-like prison. Jump off the lighthouse and get on the boat. Head towards that direction, but watch out for the rocks. Get into the prison.
That place is BIG. Click use on the emf detector. Head towards the right and use the elevator. Go to floor H. The EMF detector will be in the orange area when you get there. Go to the right until you see the warden’s office. Enter. You’ll have to click use on your emf detector again. Or you can use the thermal sensor. Either way, you’ll notice that someone is on that rocking chair!
Okay, you’re right in front of a ghost right now. Don’t panic. Instead, use the hot cross buns. The spirit will walk over and eat one of them. He also says that I’m not Prisoner… whatever he said.The spirit of the warden will give you a mugshot of the escaped prisoner. The mugshot shows which cell he is in. After an explanation by the Warden, you should be on your way to go there. Go to floor D and head towards the right until you see Cell 8. Go in… go over to the bed……and the Warden traps you there! Oh goody. He wants you as a living replacement for a dead prisoner. Push the bed out of the way and you’ll see a hole. Go through.You can use the thermal scanner and you’ll see someone in the top right corner. It’s probably the deceased prisoner! Go along. Along the way, you’ll pick up sardines, a pick axe, and a note. Talk to the prisoner. He’ll give you a backstory involving some guy named “Flatbottom” and another named “Valiant”. Exit the tunnel.Now, you have to get out of there yourself. Use the pick axe in the cell, and you’ll end up outside the cell.Board the boat and head towards the regular land. You’ll notice that the thermometer has dropped! Get back in that boat and head back to the lighthouse. You have to use the torch, but there’s no wind bothering you know… especially that there is a floating torch around… O.o Go up the stairs. When you get up there, you’ll see the spirit of the lighthouse keeper crying over something.He’ll also say that the remains of the boat are north of the lighthouse. Exit the lighthouse and go on the boat. Travel north, and the lighthouse light will be showing a scene of horrible wreckage.Examine the wreckage and you’ll find a locket. Go back to regular land. When you land, examine the locket.Go into the manor and follow the same way you did before. This time, after you enter the door, go left and up. Fiona is by the bed.Talk to her and you’ll give her both the locket and the note to the prisoner.She says that the ring that this Henry guy gave her is at the bottom of the fountain. She cries and walks off. Get down and you’ll encounter a scrapbook. Open it.Go to the fountain on Main Street. A bird is there guarding her nest. Use the sardines to drive her off. Go into the nest and click on the object shimmering in the nest. It’s the ring! Okay, now go to the left and enter the cemetery. Right, forward, right, forward, forward, forward, right, enter. Go to the engraver’s shop and click use on the ring in front of the engraver. You ask what’s his job and his response: go to the archives and look up August 18, 1929. Exit the cemetery and go to the Hemlock Herald place.At the Hemlock Herald place, go to the archives and click the microfilm.Turn the cranks until it says 1929. Then click zoom. Henry Flatbottom is the magistrate! Go to Lot A of the cementary (A on the map). Walk to the left until you see a grave with Candles. Open it the rest of the way and climb down the ladder that comes out.  Now, you’ll encounter ANOTHER labyrinth. However, it’s not as complicated. Just follow the pink rose petals. Go up the ladder. It’s a secret passage from the tree stump! You’ll hear footsteps or something and hide. You see the cloaked man and he sneezes. You’ll come from your hiding place and confront this guy. You’ll follow him into the stump… and end up back in lot A. Chase him around until you see him where you first saw him, the covered grave he put the flower on. Once you get there, you’ll take off his hood, shake the salt into his eyes… and it IS the magistrate. He tries and goes off-topic, asking you to leave. You go off-topic from HIS off-topicness and say that he’s responsible for the death of Valiant Lovejoy by sending the fake letter. The magistrate responds that he likes Fiona as well and had to betray his best friend to do so. He keeps sending the roses to try and plead forgiveness for the death, but it isn’t working for him. A gust of wind blows, blowing away the cobwebs, clearly showing Fiona’s name on the grave…
The spirit of Fiona comes out from behind a grave and says that she forgives him and thanks him for his confession. The rest of the spirits are there too.  Fiona approaches closer to Valiant and says that she thanks us for giving them the chance to finally rest in peace. They disappear, along with the other spirits. The magistrate will thank you for helping him find peace between the spirits and himself. For that… he gives you the island medallion!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lots of new excitement!!

Ghost Story is out today for members! Yay!

If you haven't seen the countdown on thePoptropica homepage, here's the news: Early Access for Ghost Story Island starts this Thursday, December 15, for Poptropica Members!

Also you can win one of ten Poptropica toys just by being a teenager in America. In addition, one lucky grand prize winner will win a 30-inch inflatable blimp signed by Poptropica Creator Jeff Kinney!

Finally there will be a new feature soon in Poptropica... Will it be the Friend feature's return after its one day of being in multpilayer rooms but not working?

Change is in the air...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It has finally arrived!

We've been hinting about it, and at last, it's here: the first ever Poptropica app, Poptropica: Official Tips & Tricks!

This is the only official app from the Poptropica Creators, and it's the only app with detailed guides and hi-res screenshots of your favorite Poptropica Islands. Everyone who downloads the app gets the Game Show Island guide for FREE! Other guides are available in-app for only 99 cents each.

If you have an iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad, download the Poptropica Tips & Tricks app from the App Store.

If you have an Android-powered phone or tablet, download the Poptropica Tips & Tricks app from the Android Market.

Even more guides will be available soon for this app. Watch for updates!


I am getting this App. This is pretty exciting! What do you guys think? Post a comment on what you think about this app.