
Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's here

Poll position

Update: Thanks for your votes! The poll is now closed.

Greetings, Poptropicans! As you know, from time to time we like to ask you some questions that will help us decide what great new things to do with Poptropica. This is one of those times.

We've put up a new poll in the blog sidebar asking you which of the three major videogame consoles you own. You can select all of them, or none of them. Your answers could help to shape the future of  Poptropica!
It looks like it's time for a Poptropica video game, and in bigger news... Shrink Ray is released for non-members today! It looks like the next island's name will be released Tomorow and the preview or mini-game will be up soon!!!


  1. hi its shy crumb. when wil they say the name of da next island?

  2. They will most likely revile the new name tomorrow because they normally do the day after a new island is released.
