
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spy Island Guide

Getting Started as a Spy

First, go to Spy Island. Go to the headquarters and find Director D. Talk to him and get the decoder kit. Get out and jump to the top of the building. There will be a guy there. Then translate the message you get from the guy on top of the headquarters. The coded message says, when Dr. Spyglass points to a symbol, choose the one that faces in the… “OPPOSITE DIRECTION”. Then go to Dr. Spyglass’s, the eye doctor, building. Take the eye test but whatever the doctor points to, choose the ”E” that faces the opposite direction. (An “E” facing upwards would mean that you needed to choose an “E” facing downwards.) If you did it correctly, he will say “I see that Director D has sent you. Meet me upstairs.” Then he will go to upstairs, and you will have to exit the “Dr. Spyglass’s” building, climb the ladder to the left until you see a door and enter it. Once inside talk to Dr. Spyglass again and he will give you a suit that will make you almost invisible. The suit is called the “Chameleon Suit”.

The 1st Spy

Now go to the Docks and get the message from the guy in the trash can. He will give you a message that says, “There’s a secret entrance to the warehouse ON THE ROOF”. Now put on your chameleon suit. Climb as high as you can there and avoid the B.A.D. guards, because if you bump into them they will knock you over and because they can see you when you move. You’ll find a door. Go in and continue. Be careful of the dogs. They’ll bite you. Then there is a room you can go in. Then go to the roof and get inside. Go past the dogs by rushing at them, but not letting them touch you. Then stop. They can’t see you because of your suit, and they will walk on. Do this with all the dogs. At the bottom, go left. You should see some little platforms above you. Get on them, and jump to the other side. You should have landed in some kind of small hidden room. Talk to the tied up spy there to free him. He will give you a laser pen and a satellite clue.

The 2nd Spy

Now leave the warehouse and go back to Main Street. Then go all the way to the right and go to Balding Avenue. If you continue to the right you will see a guy wearing green camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you a message that says, “There’s a top B.A.D. agent in BISTRO.” To access the B.A.D. control center you’ll need his “FINGERPRINT”. Keep going right until you get to a place called B.A.D. Bistro. Take off your suit and go in (The chameleon suit isn’t allowed inside.). Go all the way to the right to the kitchen and talk to the chef. Ask to apply for the job and he will tell you that you need to pass a test. It’s simply a game of Simon Says. If you win the game then he’ll give you a chef’s hat and if you win, you become a chef, if you lost, try again. Then you go to the table with people at it and click on the guy with the mustache. He’ll ask you to fill up his glass. You’ll get the glass with his fingerprint on it. Go back into the kitchen and jump on the fridge then jump on the shelf and there will be an opening above you. Go through it and jump from lamp to lamp till you get to the wall. Then fall to the ground and get out of the room.

Go right and you’ll see another guy in camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you an item -”File X” - that you must decode. If you read it the way you’d normally read a letter, it tells you what a great man Director D. is and how you have to trust him. But don’t get fooled too easily! This file really contains the opposite of what it’s trying to say. Now here’s how to decode it: all you need to do is read the first letter of every line and it reads “DON’T TRUST DIRECTOR D”. Simple yet tricky! (Note: You don’t have to know what the file actually says to complete this quest, but it’s good to be warned about Director D. first, and you’re probably curious anyway.)

Now continue right and go to Toupee Terrace. Then you have to carefully get to the top of the house without getting zapped. It may seem hard at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy. What you have to do is jump from window ledge to window ledge until you reach the top, and watch out for the yellow zappers, because they’ll knock you off if you bump into them! When you get to the top you’ll find a window with bars in front of it. Get in front of the window and it will show a close up of the window. Your mouse is now the laser pen. Click on the bars to cut them to pieces. Then you’ll be able to get in. Go inside, and you’ll be in the attic. Now go left and you will see another secret agent tied up there. Free him and he will give you an item - ”Grappling Bowtie”. This will help you reach high heights. He’ll also give you another satellite clue.

The 3rd Spy

Get out and go back to Balding Avenue. Now go as high as you can using the grappling bow tie. (To use the grappling bow tie just click on the bow tie on the bottom left and click which way you want to go.) Go up to the rooftops. Use your grappling bow tie to try to grab another platform. Be careful, there’s a B.A.D. guard there. Now use your grappling bow tie to try to grab another platform or antenna at the top left. Talk to the guy there. Now aim your bow tie to the far right and try to grab another antenna. When you swing over there and are directly above the building click again (at the top of the screen) so that they let go of the rope. Otherwise they will swing back.

Then enter the tube thing. You are now in a greenhouse. It is recommended that you take off your Bow tie, because wearing it will make this part more difficult. Go to the far right and you will see a cherry bomb tree. Click on the cherry bomb and move the cherry bomb left. Now push it to the flower thing on the ground and it will bounce it to a higher floor. Get on that floor and push it to the left till it falls on the lower platform. Push it onto the other bouncy flower thing and it will go to a higher platform. Go to that platform, (Watch out for the flytraps. It will throw you off!) and finally it to the cage with the spy agent girl trapped in inside. Now push the cherry bomb in front of the cage and wait until it blows up. When it does, the cage door breaks and the girl is free. The spy will give you a pair of “Ultra-Vision Goggles” and the last satellite clue.

Confronting Director D.

Now leave the greenhouse and go back to Balding Avenue. Move right and go to Toupee Terrace. Go all the way to the right again until you reach the B.A.D. control center. Go to the B.A.D. Control Center, and put on your ultra-vision goggles. You will see that the zaps are timed, so you will know when it is safe to go. Move along to the right, then when you reach a dead end, move up. Soon you should see a door. Click it and use the fingerprint on the glass to unlock it. Once you’re inside the room, climb up the platforms, avoiding all zaps. When you reach the top you will see a computer. Click on it and enter the passwords, or passcodes. The three passwords for the teleporter are 1: laser 2: hair 3: removal.

Then Director D. will show his true self. Go into the teleporter and Director D. will say something. Then his mini bots will come out. To destroy the mini bots lead them to those yellow orbs when their plugs hit it they will explode. There will be 4 minibots, and there are 4 yellow orbs – one on the bottom right, one on the bottom left, one on the top right and one on the top left. Use your bow tie to help you get to the top parts. When Director D. fights you with his machine, make it crash onto the ceiling four times. To do this, get onto the top of the machine while it is moving and wait for it to crash, or make your way up to the ceiling (with your grappling bow tie) and hang in there. The machine will be along and it will crash. (You will know when a crash was successful if you see the word “CRUNCH”.) Alternatively, you can use your bow tie to get yourself on the ceiling, then hold on so that you stay swinging on the ceiling. You will be luring Director D.’s machine to you and when it gets to you, it will crunch on the ceiling but knock you off, where you can continue to try and crunch the flying machine again.

The Reward - When you defeat Director D., you will be brought back to the headquarters. The top secretary in the spy headquarters will present you with your reward, the island medallion. Congratulations, you’ve completed the Spy Island Quest! Director D. will be locked up in a little prison cell inside headquarters, and you will be the new director! At the beginning of the quest, you might have noticed there was a screen that said, “Welcome, Agent .” Now that you’re the new director, the screen should change from saying “Agent” to “Director”! For example, if your Poptropican’s name is Fast Flame (that’s me), you would be “Director Flame” after you defeat Director D. However, this is only your spy agent name – when you’re in multiplayer battle/chat rooms, it doesn’t apply. Good work, fellow Agent!

By PHB, Edited by Fuzzy B

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