
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reality TV Guide

How to Get on the Show

Take a ride in the Poptropica blimp and arrive at “Reality TV Island.” Walk into the building with the name Mike’s Market and go right until you see fresh donuts and a man reading a blue magazine. Talk to him, and he’ll tell you that “Reality TV Island is on in less than 24 hours! I gotta go!” In a rush, he will run out of the market and drop his magazine. Take the magazine he dropped, and you will obtain an item called “Tabloid” in your inventory.
Now click on your inventory and click to ‘Examine’ the Tabloid. Once it opens, click on ‘Next’ and you will find a blue card that says “Reality TV Official Contestant Application”. Click on the application and it should tear off. The “Application” will now be in your inventory. Leave the market and go left until you see the “Motel’s Office” room at the Wayside Motel building.
Enter and head right until you see a telephone on a desk and a bunch of white pens with red tops. Click on the pens. “Cheap Pen” will be added to your inventory. Use the telephone to dial in: 555-7383 (as in “555-pete” in the magazine). Click ‘Call’, and someone will answer and say, “Papa Pete’s Pizza. What’s your order?”
Your character automatically replies with, “Um… small plain pizza.” In response, ‘Papa Pete’s Pizza’ will ask, “Where do you want that delivered?” Say ‘Motel Room 4B’ and Papa Pete’s Pizza will assure you, “Ok, we’ll send a driver right over.” Then exit out of the office.
Outside, you will meet up with a woman with a pizza box. Talk to her, and she’ll say, “I’m supposed to deliver this pizza, but I forgot the room number!” You’ll offer her, “Want me to take care of that for you?” Enthusiastically, she replies, “Sure! I want to get home and watch TV, anyway.” She will give you the pizza box and go away. [Tip: If you have the 'Costume Collector', you may want to take this opportunity to save the pizza box!]
Jump up to room 4B, and click on the door. You will knock on the door and announce, “Pizza!” When the door swings open, enter and walk to the right until you see a man. That’s Bucky Lucas, the local celebrity of Wayside Town, which is the area of Reality TV Island you are on. Talk to Bucky Lucas, and he will tell you, “Finally! It took you guys forever to get here!”
He will take the pizza from you and you will be given 3 options of what to say next. Choose the third one – “I could really use that grand prize.” The man will then give you a stamp. Go to your inventory and click ‘Use’ on the stamp card. Stick it on your application card, and you can write something in your application card, such as: “I want to be famous!”
Exit out of his house, and go right until you see a television store with the name “TV World.” Enter it and hop up to the third floor, then click on the biggest TV screen. After a few seconds, it will tell you ”Last chance to be on the show! Send your application to this address: 123 Star Avenue Hollywood” on the screen. Recognizing this, your player will say “It says to send applications to: 123 Star Avenue, Hollywood.” This information will be put on your application card.
Head over to the blue mail post box next to TV World. Click on it and you will confidently say, “Well, it’s worth a shot!” You will put the application card in the mailbox, hoping to make it in as a contestant for the famous ‘Reality TV Island Show’, based on Survivor.
The next day…
“I don’t believe it!!!” But just then, a helicopter flying by will confirm that this is, indeed, happening. “I made it!!! I’m on the show!” Now get up on that roof and click ‘Start The Show’ on the helicopter to make it really happen!

The Show

Click to ‘Begin The Show’, and you will meet all of the opponents you will be facing. (Tip: You might not see them all in one show/season but if you keep restarting the shows/seasons you will get to see them.)
Now click to ‘Begin Today’s Challenge’ [people will get the challenges randomly]. For your reference, here is an alphabetical list of possible opponents you may be up against:

Betty Brownie
Betty Jetty
Black Widow
Bret Batter
Busy Bob
Cathy Codex
Chef Jeff
Director D.
Dr. Hare
Freddy Fry
Grandma Gracey
Grandpa Grum
Helen Hiker
Hip Hop
Hippie Harry
Lassie Lasso
Magic Mervin
Merry Muse
Ned Noodlehead
Richie Rebel
Rickie Rock
Sally Score
Sarah Snooty
Sickly Skull
Slim Slam

The Games

Totem Hop: Just stay on your totem and if your totem starts to shake, click on another one until you’re the last one standing.

Boulder Push: Keep left-clicking rapidly on your computer mouse on your boulder rock, as fast as you can, to reach the finish line first.

Coconut Catch: When the monkey throws coconuts, you have to jump and try to catch them before the others do. Stay to the left and center if you can. All coconuts are fair game, but grabbing the bunches of 3 coconuts will help you get to your objective faster, increasing your chances of being the winner. The winner is the first to get 20 coconuts.

Shuffleboard: Click to aim your puck to the center of the target. There are three rounds. The objective is for your puck to be at the center of the target at the end of the 3rd round. On the first round, if you aim your puck to the center of the target, the other challengers can knock your puck out of the target in the next 2 rounds – prevent them from winning, and keep your puck in place! Select a long shot (long arrow) for the first shot, or bank it hard into one side to go around your opponents. Get close and don’t shoot too hard. Because you are the last player to move your puck at the end of the last round, you need to make that shot count the most!

Shot Put: Click the angle to where it reaches 45 degrees, so it should be right in the middle. Click again when the power bar is full. Click to aim at a 45-degree angle (the middle). Click again when the power meter is close to the top. Whoever’s rock goes the farthest is declared the winner.

Water Run: The objective is to fill your jug with water from the waterfall, then bring it back safely without spilling it. You must stand on the red-and-white circle on the right to have your water counted for your score. First to 100% water filled wins. Watch out for the boar, who may attempt to knock you down. If the boar hits you, your water jug will be emptied and you’ll need to go back to the waterfall on the left to refill. Fill your bottle COMPLETELY full so it will only take four trips (one less than full) to fill your container to 100%.

Pole Climb: The objective of this challenge is to stay on the 2 middle poles and move right or left, while trying to avoid the falling coconuts. Click right or left to dodge the falling coconuts. Tip: When a coconut just goes down on one of the trees jump to that tree. The first to reach the top of the pole wins.

On The Line: Click the left click on your mouse and your fishing pole automatically will go down and come back up. If you’re lucky, it will return with a fish. The winner is the first to get 5 fish. Look for fish ABOVE your hook. You will also need to consider the speed of the fish and the speed of your fishing line when reeling the hook in. Click as soon as your line can come close to any fish’s mouth. You can time its rise again to hit them.

Balanced Diet: You have to keep your pole balanced. Try to keep the dot in the middle; it gets harder as more food is placed with your pole. As the brown dot (top of the pole) moves, move your cursor toward the opposite side of it to keep it centered.

Mountain Race: The objective of this challenge is to reach the top of the mountain before your opponents do, but you have to watch out for and avoid the rocks as you run uphill. If the rock is falling from the air, click below; and if it’s sliding downward, jump to duck them. Running farther to the right (higher) is an advantage even if you get hit once or twice, because most of the overhead rocks will miss you. But you still have to be aware of the rolling rocks!

Geyser Guess: This game is based purely on luck and chance. You need to select a geyser hole on the ground and hope it doesn’t blast you off. This is just a game of luck, and the same geyser CAN erupt twice in a row! The last player still standing will be declared the winner.

Turtle Shell Toss: All you have to do in this challenge is to throw your coconut into the turtle shells; the larger, closer turtle shell awards you 10 points, while the smaller, farther one gives you 20 points. There are three rounds. Match your mouse with the angle your opponents throw at if they make a 20 point shot, so that you can cash in on the same amount of points they get just as easily. Throwing at a 45-degree angle will almost always guarantee three hits on the 20-point shell. (You can set your cursor at the center of the palm tree to get this aiming point.) At the end, the challenger with the most points wins. If there is a tie, a “Tie Breaker” [rematch] will be played until someone misses.

Hang Glider: Your main objective in this mini-game is to avoid the birds and the erupting volcanoes, which will knock you out of the air if you get hit by them. Last one still flying wins. The best way to win is to stay just behind a group of gliders so that you can better fly out of the way of obstacles. Always stay near the top of the screen unless there is a bird coming. When the volcanoes lava is starting to make a ball, stay away! When it is done erupting, speed forward.

Knockout: Basically, you have a sling-shot with a rock and you have to pull back to hit any of your opponents’ plates. Whoever’s plate is the LEAST broken after the 3 rounds, wins. Aim for the plates with the least damage, and pull the slingshot just halfway for the lower plates and farther for the top row of plates.The person with the most of their plate left is the winner!

Winning the Show

After the end of every challenge, someone will be voted off the show. If you or any other challenger wins a challenge, they can’t be voted off for it. The challenger with the most votes off is kicked out of the show. If you didn’t win the show, try and try again until you do. Once you have been declared the winner of the reality television show, click ‘Return Home.’
Congratulations, you have completed Reality TV Island! You will be awarded with the Reality TV Island Medallion and 100 credits to spend at the Poptropica Store. And if you ever want to restart the show, all you need to do is take a ride on the helicopter again! But remember: You can only win the 100 credits once.

Written by Mega Boy
Special thanks to: Silverwolf1, Smart Crown
Revised by the Poptropica Help Team
Edited By Fuzzy-B