
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

OMZ, A New PCB Post

A new PCB post will leave you wondering.... what is this new island, and what is this font and why does everything I type above the PCB post turn into this font =O

New island sneak peek week!

Many of you have noticed that there is a new Poptropica island in the works. We've decided to share a few sneak peeks of this mysterious, mechanical island.

You'll need a few gadgets to get past some tricky puzzles and wacky, wild monsters -- and I'm not talking about your dad's pocket knife.

Here are a couple of gizmos that you won't find in your home toolbox. One of these will help you on your quest to victory, cheering fans, and instant popularity...well, at least victory.

"Multi Tool"? Hmm, what do you think it does?

Come back all week for more sneak peeks. Then, on Friday, we'll announce the name of the new island. You'll get it here first, so keep those eyeballs glued to the blog for more exciting peeks.

Wow, what is the new island's name? Who knows? It better not be structure island, on Wikipedia there is a Poptropica page and it used to say, Forthcoming islands: Structure Island, Warfare Island, and Virtual Island. People would make comments on the PHF, PHB and in Chats saying, Hey guys There is going to be Structure, Warfare, and Virtual Island. They would then get yelled at and never come back. The morning talk show hosts win if they name it Structure Island, if you know what I mean.......

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