
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nabooti Island Guide

Beginning the Quest

First enter Nabooti Island on the Poptropica Blimp.
Once your there turn to your left and go inside the Nabooti African Museum in the tree. Inside there are lots of monuments of tribes from Africa. Walk to your left, fall down then walk to your right until you see the Nabooti Monument.
Talk to the girl standing left of the statue. She will tell you the story of the five missing jewels. When she asks you if you would like to find the jewels, click ‘Yes! I’m in’. She will hand you a map of Africa.

Venture your way outside and walk to your left until you see a plane. Click on the seat. It should say ‘FLY’.


Mountains of the Moon and the Red Jewel

It should now bring up a map of Africa. Your mouse is now the plane. Fly your way over to the right until your reach a point called Mountains of the Moon. Click on it or place your plane on the dot.

Run to your left and jump over the Goats. Go through the water and jump over the next Goat. Keep going until you’re at the end. Stop. Let the goat run at you and whack you up to the next ledge.

Jump on the tree to your right, then again, then jump up onto the next ledge where the girl with blue headwear is.

Talk to her, she will tell you she wants the red fig that is above you. Jump on the boulder to your left then jump at the red fig. You should be able to reach it.

Go right, jump over the flowing water, (Note: Boulders will crash on you if you stay in one spot.) and keep going until you reach the end. Jump up onto the next ledge and then make a big jump over the goat and land on the ledge on the other side. Jump the small gap until you reach some icy slopes. Jump um the icy ledges (They are slippery), then right, then jump up on the ledges until you reach the old man.

He will not let you in the cave unless you beat him in Mancala.Once you win, enter the cave.Fall down to the bottom to pick up the cell phone. (For more information on what you can do with the phone click here.)
Jump up the rocks until you’re on a rock that overhangs out from the main rock. Jump on the rock column right of you. Jump so you don’t hit the hanging icicles. They will hit you to the ground. Slide off this rock to the next, Jump up on the next column, slide onto the next one and then finally run off the edge to land on the ledge with the Red Jewel.

Blue Nile Falls and the Purple Jewel

Now fall down to the bottom and make your way out of the cave. Fall down to the bottom of the mountain and get in the plane again.

Fly your plane North-East to a dot called Blue Nile Falls. Once there, jump onto your plane, then jump onto the grassy ledges, and jump up to the top of the cliff where there is a Purple Flower, called the Egyptian Blue Flower. Walk over it to get it.

Go back down the cliff, go across the water until your reach some more grassy ledges. Follow the grassy ledges to the top to find a woman with a Chicken, corn feed and a Fox. Talk to her and ask if she needs your help. This should start the game.

To solve the problem follow these instructions:

Bring the chicken to the other side.
Bring the feed to the other side.
Bring the chicken back to the other side.
Bring the fox to the other side.
Bring the chicken back to the other side to finish the problem.

When complete the women will tell you about the secret cave behind a bush to the right of the waterfall.
Jump off to the right and try land on the ledge with the large bush. If you don’t then jump up on the rocks till you get to it.

Click on the large bush to reveal the secret cave. Now enter the opening.Once inside jump onto the skinny column to your right. Keep jumping right. (Note: Do this fast because spikes will fall on you, if you fall just make your way to the left and start again.)Once you reach the end walk over and grab the purple jewel.

Giza and the Blue Jewel

Go back outside and make your way back to the plane.

Fly your plane left, back to the dot named Nabooti. Once there walk right until you see a stall. Talk to the woman wearing orange clothes. Trade your purple flower for a turban. Run back to the plane.

Fly your plane north-east to a place called Giza. Once there go into your Items and put on your desert turban. Go to your right until the man gives you a shovel. Walk to your right until you see a man outside a tent. Go into your items and view the shovel. The number on it belongs to the man in front of you. Go to your phone and dial this number: 555-6789

Once done the man in front of you and his workers will have left. Click on the bag in front of you to receive the Moon Stone. Now go left and then jump up on the Egyptian structure. Go to the top where a ring is. Go into your items and click ‘Use’ on the Moon Stone. It will open a passage way down below.

Go down and enter it. Go to your right until you see a block with four rectangles on it. Click on it. These rectangles move the platforms ahead of you so you can access the next room. The aim is to make all of the rectangles flat.

Follow the instructions below in order to make them flat:

-Click on number 1 rectangle.
-Click on number 3 rectangle.
-Click on number 4 rectangle.

Go right and jump up onto the platforms. Avoid the scorpion below the platforms! Keep going right until you see the next passageway. Go into it.

Jump up the small rocks to reach a room with four blocks. You have to match the blocks with the same pattern as the bottom one.

Follow the instructions below to make them in order:

[If you make a mistake pull the reset switch to try again.]
-Push block number 4 off and push it left until it is roundabout where the reset sign is.
-Push block number 1 off and push it to number 4.
-Push number 2 off but then push it so it is under the ledge.
-Push block number 3 of and align it with the others.
-The block order should be now: 4 – 1 – 3 – 2

Push the groups of blocks until it’s in front of the carvings on the wall. This should open up the next passageway. Jump up on the ledge and then jump left through the new opening.

Keep going left until you reach a room with ledges with pictures on them (These pictures are called hieroglyphics and are an ancient language in Egypt.). You have to jump onto the right pictures to make it to the top. Otherwise they will collapse on you.

Follow the instructions below to make it to the top:

-Jump on the block with a person.
-Jump on the block with an upturn boat and a jagged line.
-Jump on the block with a bird and a staff.
-Jump on the block with an eye and a boat.

Once you have reached the top click on the rope to go up.

Go up and enter a room with two large statues. In the middle of the room there is a tablet with markings on it. The dots on the cups tell you which switch to pull in what order. The switches are found on each column half way up. When a switch is pulled it will make a cup with a number of dots fall. As soon as you pull one, sand will start to fall and begin to rise. Remember the order to pull the switches and do it fast.

Follow the instructions below to achieve the task:

[If you make a mistake pull the reset switch to try again.]
-Pull switch number 1
-Pull switch number 2
-Pull switch number 3
-Pull switch number 4
(Try the order 4-2-3-1 if the above combination doesn’t work.)

Once complete the mummy at the top will open to reveal the Blue jewel. Grab the jewel and exit the room to your left. Climb down the rope then fall down to your right, then climb down another rope to your right. Now exit to your left.

Kaya Forest and the Green Jewel

Go back to your plane.
Fly south to Kaya Forests. Jump onto the hut, and jump right onto the trees. Keep going until you see a gold object in the tree. Pick it to get a Gold Nugget. Fall down and walk right until you see a giant shell. Stand next to it and go into your items. Click ‘Use’ on the Opuntia Fruit

The turtle/tortoise will wake up and move over to eat it. Walk over to the small hole in the ground, go to your items and click ‘Use’ on your shovel. You will find an Ebony Elephant and two mysterious ghosts will rise from the hole asking for a Fingo. Now go back to the plane.

Fly north-west back to the Nabooti dot. Walk right to the stalls and talk to the girl wearing blue clothing. Trade your elephant for a Fingo. While you’re here, walk right to the man wearing purple orange clothes. Trade your Gold Nugget for a camera. Now make your way back to the plane.

Fly back to the Kaya Forests and talk to the ghost man again. Say you have found the Fingo. As a reward he will give you a Green Jewel. Now walk back to the plane.

Safari, Diamond Mines, and the White Jewel

Fly your plane just above you to Safari. Once there, run all the way right till you reach Big Zeke. Talk to him and ask if he needs help. He will tell you he needs 7 good pictures of different animals.

Follow the instructions below to find the animals:
-There is a Giraffe in the middle next to the tree.
-Left of the Giraffe there is a Zebra next to a stream.
-Left of the Zebra there is a lion in the bushes.
-In the top left-left-hand corner a bird will appear in a tree.
-Right of the Giraffe an Alligator will emerge in the water.
-At the very right an Elephant will appear behind a mound.
-In the very bottom-right-hand corner a Gazelle will appear.

Once you have take the 7 good photos press close and Big Zeke will give you a Mining hat. Go back to your plane.

Fly south until you reach Diamond Mines. Once there, put on your Mining Hat. Go over the dirt mound, go right, and then pass the man and the electric fence until you reach a switch board.

Click on the switch between the two lights. This will turn off the electric fence but only for a short time. Your time left will be shown in the bottom left-hand corner.

Run left, go up the dirt mound, jump onto the metal structure, go along it and fall down the gap onto a ledge. Walk along this ledge until you see an opening in the fence. Enter it. If you do not make it in time, then go back a flick the switch again.

Go left until you see some oncoming mine carts. Stand underneath the railings until a mine cart falls of. Jump on and make your way up. Stop underneath the next railings and wait for the cart to fall. Jump up and rung along. Repeat this process until you reach the top. Then enter where the Mine carts come from.

First click the green light to turn it off. Now push the flammable canister right until it stops at a rock. Go back to the green button and turn it on. This should ignite the oil trail left by the canister. When it reaches the canister it should blow destroying the rock in front of it. Turn off the green button again and push the canister to the very end. Go back and press the green button to ignite the oil. This should open up a new passageway. Enter it.

Go right and push the mine cart forward. This should start the mine cart ride. During the ride you need to jump over the spikes and duck when its at the top.

Follow the instructions below to reach the end of the track:

[If you fall of click Try-again.]
-Bend down to avoid hitting your head at the top.
-Jump when its says jump near the bottom of the bend.
-Bend down immediately after.
-Jump when you’re near the bottom again.
-Bend down again.
-Get ready to jump again.
-Bend down.

And then just let it finish. It should take you to the next room.

Go right and jump on the platform via the bump in the wall. Jump up again until you are on the jewels. Click on the jewels to view them.
Click and hold onto the magnified glass in the right-hand corner. Move it to one of the jewels to the left until you see a marking on one of them. Hold it over the diamond until it asks if you want to take it. You will have now received the last jewel, the White Jewel. Climb up the rope. Now go to the plane.

This is where the Jewel is.

Placing the Jewels

Fly north-east back to Nabooti. Go right and enter the Nabooti African Museum again. Go down the bottom and talk to the girl. All you have to do now is put the jewels in the right order.

Follow the instructions below to put the jewels in the right order:

(The gems are placed from bottom to top.)

Congratulations. You have finished Nabooti Island!

Written By PHB edited by Fuzzy-B