
Friday, June 18, 2010

Dr. Hare's Secret Lab Guide

Jump up onto the rocks and ledges until you reach a metal-looking-ish thing with a Rabbot sign above it and a box of carrots on a rock near it. Enter the building. Then you will appear in another metal looking room. Go right over a floating platform to the right, near an ad for membership. Then you will come across a man with a pink eye patch, pink lab coat and clipboard. Talk to him. He will tell you that you are in one of Dr. Hare’s secret lairs, he was a slave of Dr. Hare, and that he made a very odd looking robot to the right which will help him with evil plans. Again with the evil plans. Click on the robot cage to your right. You then say that you need three colored cards. Go back on the sliding-down thingy and go right once at the bottom. Click on the red Dr. Hare door.

Go right after the stupid annoying little laser like thing and get on the floating thing with a box. Then, let it pull you up until you’ve reached a platform with a red button at the end of it. Push the box onto the red thing. The blocked door above will open. Now, to get to the upper platform, go left and hide behind the carrot boxes from the guards. Then jump up, jump right, and get the red key card.

Now, go left above the bearded guard, and hop onto yet another floating platform with a box. When you come across another flooring, push the box onto it because it has the purple button. Then go back on the floating platform and ride it up to the other platform with bearded guard on it, hide behind a box, and then jump up onto the now unlocked room with the purple card.

Now, go down down down. Below the entrance. Below the thing with more lasers. And ride another platform down where you have to hide behind another box from a weird person with an afro. A little farther over from you it the blue card slot. Now, ride the platform up again above the thing with lasers, and go to the edge. There should be a box at the end. Push the box off the end and it will smash on the ground on the blue switch. Push it onto it if it isn’t already on it. If you push it off the end like I did the first time, you’re dead and you need to start over, but don't worry , be happy! Now if it is on it, run over on top of the other platforms with the lasers, onto the moving platform, into the room with the blue card, then you grab the blue card, scream with joy, ride the floating platform back up again, go out through the entrance… you get the main idea.

Rush up to the top where the robot is, open it up with your cards! You then get 50 credits! You also get to Customize a robot costume that is actually almost disturbing.

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