
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Astro-Knight Guide


Pewter Moon: 56, 52
An AstroZone store is located on this popular moon. AstroZone repairs and builds custom rocket ships that traverse the galaxy. This store is owned and operated by hospitable aliens.

Jungle Planet: 15, 15
This planet is populated with strange mechanical vegetation and creatures. One of the most ill-tempered inhabitants is the Atomic Phoenix.

Fire Planet: 83, 20
This planet is inhabited by hot-tempered creatures such as the mechanized Dragotank. The Dragotank is said to be impenetrable except for his mouth, which is usually spewing flames.

Black Hole: 84, 47
A dangerous and fatal hole in outer space which will cause you to be teleported near Pewter Moon if you get sucked in. This is also where you should lure the space sharks to eliminate them.

Ice Planet: 73, 83
This planet is surrounded by dangerous mechanical Space Sharks. Space Sharks are virtually indestructable, but even they cannot withstand the pull of a black hole.

Crystal Gate : 11, 82
When four knights of the Quest are gathered the Chosen One may pull the key from the stone.

Exploring Arturus

The star city, always from above to shine. The first building on the left is the House of Mordred, now known as the Museum of Mordred. It contains all the wonderful things Mordred the dark sorcerer used while this he was staying at Arturus. Next is the Space Shuttle Fountain – dedicated to Mordred who brought technology to the town (also contains a secret passageway to a hidden cult.)

Planetarium – Filled with Mordred’s amazing technology in star gazing, unfortunately none of it works besides the telescope. And last but not least is the Crop Circle Inn - a multiplayer room where you can eat, rest, play and chat with your friends. We hope you enjoy your stay at Arturus.

Museum of Mordred:
After landing in the town of Arturus, make your way right past the first building and to a space craft fountain. Notice on the top water ring there is something gleaming. It is a coin. Walk over it to pick it up.

Now go back to the building you passed and enter it. This building was formerly the house of Mordred – now known as Mordred’s Museum. Unfortunately the manager won’t let you through without paying. Talk to him to obtain a Museum Pamphlet. Go into your items and select use on the Golden Coin.

Now click on the books to the right of the manager. He doesn’t want you touching them so he will give you a Library Book Slip instead. As un-exciting as it may seem, the book slip is a clue to a hidden dungeon. Notice the underlined McM.

Castle Library and Dungeon:
Go outside and run all the way to the right until you get the option ‘Go Right’. Go right again until you get to the Castle of Arturus. Move a little right and enter the castle through a large wooden door.

Once inside go right and enter the smaller door. You are now in the castle’s library (a slightly destroyed library). Inside there are two books you can grab; The Mystical Weapons of Arturus (far left in the fiction area), and The Life of Mordred: A Cautionary Tale (non-fiction area on a stand). Both these books are great reads; just don’t touch the other books, the librarian doesn’t like it.

Go into the Non-Fiction area. Notice the golden plaques with letters on them. Click on the strangely colored brick behind the one with “McM“. A secret passageway to the castle dungeon will open. Click on this entrance to enter it.

You are now in a gloomy room. Walk over the moldy cheese to the right on the ground to pick it up. The item “Moldy Cheese” should now be in your inventory. Go right and click on the handle (lever) on the wall. This will open a small grate to the right, leading to a passage way. Inside is a strange robotic monster. Click on him and a bunch of binary numbers will pop up – this can be translated into the word “Bard“. Now head back up the stairs.

Finding the Space Related Items

Maid’s Room and Royal Chamber:
Once back up in the library you will be confronted by a couple of guards and the unhappy librarian who is now very unhappy. Escape them and run out the door to the right. You will be back at the main castle.

Head left and enter the small door by the stairs. You will enter into a small bedroom with a little mechanical mouse scuttling on the floor and a maid. Walk right into the middle of the room and click on your items. Click on the moldy cheese and select “Use“. The mechanical mouse will eat the cheese and you catch him. (The mouse will now be in your inventory.)

Walk right; notice the letter sitting on the chest. Walk over it to pick it up. It is a secret message and it will go into your items. Go back outside to the main castle building.

Head up the stairs and enter the door at the top. This is the Royal Chamber. The King and Queen promise to knight you if you can find the stolen Princess. Ask the Queen if there’s anything else that might help. She will give you the co-ordinates to all the missing knights. (“Coordinates” will go into your inventory.) It might not make sense for now, but it will soon.

Ye Olde Rumour Mille:
Climb back down the stairs and make your way outside. Once outside go to the very right. Click to “Go right” and then right again until you reach a man with a shovel. Talk to the man with a shovel to receive a “Bag of Manure”, which will enter your inventory. Next jump over the two hay bales and walk up the hill and then enter the windmill.

Climb up on the hay bales, jump on the cog wheels, then jump over onto the platform. From here jump onto the rope hanging. Notice this lifts up the rod, stopping the wheels from turning. From where you are, slide down and fall onto the platform where a strange, darkly-dressed girl is standing. She will ask you for a secret in return for hers. She will then hand you a note with 3 symbols on it - a moon, a planet, and a star. This is the new password to the clan’s secret entrance.

Fall down and go outside. Walk to the right until you reach the edge. On top of the turning wheel there is a coil of rope. Jump on top of it to receive it (“Coil of Rope” should go to your inventory). Jump back down and stand under the sign that reads “Ye Olde Rumour Mille”. Jump on top of it and then jump onto one of old mill’s turbines. Notice it will start moving. When this moves around it opens a secret access point on the roof.

Keep spinning the windmill round and round until the glass cover on the top is open. (Tip: It is a lot easier to stand closer to the center of the turning blades so you can easily jump onto the next one.)

Once the roof is open enter it. Inside, there is a hovercraft. It does not work because it is out of power. Open your items and select “Use” on the Bag of Manure. Once that’s done, the hovercraft will fly out the roof and will land a little above the mud outside. Climb up the haystacks and exit the mill.

Princess’s Tower:
Once outside, head left and go past the man with the shovel and go left and left again until you reach the castle. Go left and stand in front of the massive oak door. From here jump onto the windowsill and then onto the platform with a giant bow and arrow on it. Stand in front of it, go into your items and select “Use” on the Coil of Rope. This will attach a long piece of rope to the arrow.

Point the arrow to the left and aim to the top-left. This door on the left leads into the princess’s tower. (Tip: Move the arrow so the tip of the point just touches the window’s outside shadow.) Once fired it should hit and stay into the door creating a walkway from where you are. If you manage to miss the door keep lowering or raising the arrow until you hit it. Walk across the rope and enter the doorway at the end.

Once inside, walk to the far left where a chest filled with parchment sits. Notice the brown paper sticking out. Walk over it to pick it up. It is a note from the Princess explaining the whereabouts of Mordred’s Secrets. Read it, then make your way back outside.

The Secret Society and the UFO

Secret Sanctum:
Go left from the castle until you reach Main Street. Head to the center, where the Space Shuttle Fountain is. Walk into the middle of the fountain and click on the plaque on the wall with space symbols. Remember the Cosmic Symbols the strange girl gave to you? Click the symbols in this order:

1. Crescent Moon (looks like a banana)
2. Planet With Rings
3. 5-Pointed Star
4. Sun (in the middle of the plaque)

The fountain will then turn off; the water will drain away and the secret entrance to Mordred’s Secret Order will open. Enter and go down.

Down below there are 5 people in purple hoods and cloaks. Talk to the boy with bad acne on the far right. He will give you a “Small Key”, which will go into your items. Once you receive this key, make your way back up the rope on the left and out of the secret room.

Mordred’s Hideout and your Fuel Rod:
When you’re out on Main Street again, walk left and enter Mordred’s Museum. Go to the top floor and click under the bed. You will find a missing page containing the location of a nearby moon.

Head back outside and go right and keep going right until you the place called “Ye Olde Rumour Mille” on your Map. Move a bit right again and jump onto the two hay bales there. Slowly move between the two of bales, causing you to fall between them. Once you have done that push the hay out of the way to reveal a trapdoor. It is locked. Now go into your items and select “Use” on the Small Key. You will open the trapdoor. Click on it to go inside.

Slide down the rope to enter the wonderful hideaway where Mordred made his creations. Notice the strange mechanical owl. Walk up to it and click to cause it to fly outside. Go back up the rope to exit Mordred’s hideout. The owl should be hovering just to the right of the hay. Hop onto the ground and go into your items. Select “Release” on the Mechanical Mouse. The owl will swoop down and eat it. It is now your friend and will follow you. Notice that by clicking on the bird, you can control where it will fly. (The owl’s name is Merlin, by the way.)

Now head back down into Mordred’s hideaway. Walk left and pick up the book on the chair. You will receive Mordred’s Journal. Walk as far left as possible, until you see a rocky wall block your path. Push against the wall, causing it to bend and shake. Push against the wall for a few seconds to break it. Go along the passageway and crawl through the small hole there.

You will now be behind the bars in the Castle Dungeon. The robot monster inside the cell with you will notice you and will explode (self-destruct), causing his fuel rod to fly up and fall behind the bars. Walk up to the bars, click on the bird (Merlin) and then click on the green rod. The owl will fly down and pick it up for you. You will now receive a Fuel Rod.

Excalibur, the UFO:
Crawl back through the hole and climb back up outside to where the hay bales are. Jump over them and head right until you get to the edge of the hill. The red hovercraft you found earlier will be waiting for you there. Hop on top of it and steer it with your cursor (mouse). Fly all the way to the right until you find a slightly damaged space craft, or UFO (unidentified flying object). It is called Excalibur. Click on it to access it.

This will bring up some controls with dials and a broken fuel rod. In the bottom left corner drag the fuel rod to where the broken one is. Because there isn’t much fuel, we have to travel somewhere close. Remember the location of the nearby moon on the lost page? Turn the left dial to 56, and the right dial to 52. Then click on “Launch”.

Pewter Moon

You have just arrived at Pewter Moon, but due to the fact that the fuel rod is now depleted, you crashed Excalibur, now you have to find a new ship. On this planet there is little gravity, so you are able to jump much higher than normal. Head over to the right and jump up on the moving platform and enter the doors of the AstroZone building.

The boss, who looks like a green alien, is inside. Ask him how you can get off this planet, and you will be given permission to create your own ship. Wait for your character to reply, “Great! Thanks!”, then go back outside and click on the floating holopad console to the left. The console will pop up and you will be able to create your very own custom-designed rocket ship!

You can customize your wings, body, door, window, engine and guns. You can select each part and change their design even their colors! Different combinations of parts will change the Speed and Shield levels. (Tip: Do a bit more Speed then Shield.)

When you’re finished, click “Done”. You will then be taken back outside with your ship waiting on the pad next to you. Enter it to finally begin your rescue mission. Once inside your spaceship, click on “Launch” to begin flying. The next three planets can be done in any order. You can also click on the screen above the Launch lever to read about each of the planets to help you decide.

Jungle Planet and Mother Phoenix

You are now in control of your spaceship. Let’s first fly in a north-west direction to the Mechanical Jungle Planet. The coordinates are 15, 15. Keep in mind that the area around the planet is inhabited by space aliens. They will fire at your ship so watch out. Try your best to dodge them!

Once you arrive at the planet, click on it to land. When you’ve landed, exit your spaceship. You should be now on a platform with your ship next to you. Fall off the platform to the right. Keep falling down until you reach the ground. Now make your way to the center of the ground. In the middle will be a small platform with the “Laser Lance” weapon covered with a beam of light. Walk over it to pick it up.

Now go left and jump on a flower. They will spring you up in the air. Jump onto the one on the right, then left, then left again until you reach the platform with you spaceship on it again. Notice the strange bug on the roof. There are more along the way to the right, and they will zap you if you get too close. Wait for the swinging platform to get near, then jump. (Tip: When the swinging platform get to the end then starts falling back then jump, this will cause you to land perfectly on the next platform.) Remember to watch out for those zapping bugs, which may knock you off. Once you have reached the end, go right.

Mother Phoenix:
In the next room there is a knight dressed in shining green armor. His name is Sir Cador. If you talk to him, he will tell you to save the princess from the cage to the right. To do so you should climb up the rope. You will then have to pass by four mechanical eggs that may knock you back if you do it incorrectly. Directions on passing them so that you can get to the cage:

1. Wait until the first egg opens, then jump on it.
2. Now wait on here until the second egg opens, then jump on the that.
3. Now on this second egg, as soon as the third egg opens, jump immediately because that egg will open fast.
4. Now quickly jump onto the last one and jump onto the cage with a unicorn in it.
5. Click on the cage to open it and again. Doing so will cause the Mother Phoenix to come. Ready to fight?

First off, it’s a lot easier if you keep your lance charged. The bird missiles can only be shot down with a fully charged lance shot. To completely charge up your laser shot, click and hold with the mouse until it is glowing very brightly. Click again to shoot.

Avoid the flying bugs, or you can shoot them with short little shots. Short laser shots can be made simply by clicking over and over again. Watch out for electric clouds. They’re the dark black clouds that will shoot out with lightning every now and then. They can be harmful, so simply move out of their way. After a while the Mother Phoenix will arrive.

When her mouth is open, shoot at her mouth. If you aimed right, her body will start flashing red, indicating it had been defeated. You’ll have to do this three times to beat it. If you missed, it’s usually a good idea to stay away and wait for her to fire her missiles and leave. Wait for the Mother Phoenix to come back, and she will either charge at you from the left or the right.

If she comes from behind you, quickly avoid her by staying at the very bottom or very top of the screen, opposite of the area she is in. It is impossible to shoot at her when she is behind you. Simply wait for her to pass, and come back facing you. (May take a few times.)

A good tip is for you to stay at the bottom of the screen. It can’t hit you there often. Once you win, the green knight (Sir Cador) will join you. When you are back inside your rocket ship, click “Launch”. Then press the “Teleport Home” button, which is right above the area it shows what coordinates you are at.

Fire Planet and Dragotank

Fly in a north-east direction to the Fire Planet. Its coordinates are 83, 20. Along the way there is a black hole, which you should avoid by going around it. The area around the planet is also inhabited by space aliens. They will fire at your ship, so be careful. Once you see this dark red planet, click on it to land. Then exit your spaceship.

Below you is lava, or really hot water. If you stand in it, you will be teleported back to your starting point beside the ship. The hard thing about this part is timing. Make sure that before you jump to the next platform that it is close enough for you to land on. (Tip: When you get to the second last platform, it is easier to jump on the one before, wait for it to get to the bottom then do a huge jump to the last platform.) After you get to the last platform, enter the volcano.

The next part can be quite annoying for some people. It requires you to be patient until the moving gas stops and you’re able to move and hide. If you aren’t careful, it will send you all the way to the top of the volcano. Once you reach the end you don’t have to worry about it. Now go through the passage.

Halfway through this is a strange creature that whacks and rolls at you. Jump over it when it rolls. Keep going left until you meet the red knight. His name is Sir Pelleas. Ask him what you should do and he will give you an Ice Arrow. Continue forward and get ready to fight a dragon – it is known to Poptropicans as the ”Dragotank”.

When you enter the room jump onto the hanging chains, then jump across them until you reach the other side. Jump down, dodge the spiky tail and then walk under the switch. Jump up and click on it. This will cause him to temporarily shut down. Jump out to the side where you started and fire an Ice Arrow in his mouth. Do this three times to defeat him. (Tip: When he starts to get angry after you shoot him, jump on the chains, dodge the falling spikes and get to the other side to do it again.)

Once you defeat the Dragotank, the red knight (Sir Pelleas) will join you in your mission. Back at your spaceship again, press “Launch“. Then press the “Teleport Home” button.

Ice Planet, Mechanical Sharks, and Tigercopter

Start flying in a south-east direction. The coordinates to the Ice Planet are 73, 83. The only problem about getting to the planet is that it’s protected by three space sharks. All you have to do is get them to all follow you by shooting at all of them. Do this by getting near them (note: Do NOT touch them!), then click once for each shark to shoot something. This will get their attention. Once they are all following you lure them into the black hole which is north to the right a bit at the coordinates 84, 47.

If this is too hard, just attract them one by one. (Note: Make sure you keep them in view when you fly to the black hole because they can stop following you.)Be extremely careful not to get sucked into the black hole yourself, because you will just be teleported back near Pewter Moon without having done anything to the sharks. To get the sharks sucked into the black hole without pulling yourself in instead, simply fly around the hole and avoiding any parts of it at all costs. You will know that a shark gets sucked in when you see the yellow scrolling message at the bottom of the screen telling you that they have been eliminated.

Once you land, exit the ship. You are now standing on a platform of ice. Below you is icy cold water that will freeze you if you land in it, causing you to teleport back next to the ship. Jump onto the floating platform to the left, and keep moving left until you reach the end. (Tip: Make a giant leap to the center, and watch out for the jumping helmet fish, which can knock you into the cold water.) Once you reach the end, go right.

Quickly climb up the mountain and watch out for the gigantic falling snowballs. At the very top is the blue knight. His name is Sir Gawain. Ask him if you can help, and you will receive a Force Shield Necklace.

You will have to defeat a Tigercopter, which is a tiger and helicopter combined into one creature. Use your force field to hit the snowballs back at the Tigercopter. Watch out for when it falls, because it will destroy your force field for a certain time. After he falls, a large snowball shoots out that will freeze you, so jump over it. You must repeat this three times in order for it to be defeated.

Once you have destroyed it, the blue knight will come with you. You will return to your spaceship. Click on “Launch”, then click on the ”Teleport Home” button.

Crystal Gate, Castle Door, and Binary Bard

Once all 3 knights have been rescued and reunited, you will be able to visit a legendary asteroid known as the Crystal Gate. Start flying in a western direction. Its coordinates are 11, 82. Beware though, because this planet is surrounded by asteroids. Be sure to avoid bumping into the asteroids!

Once you land, exit the space craft. Climb up the crystal mountain to the top where the 3 knights (Sir Cador, Sir Pelleas, and Sir Gawain) are waiting. You are the fourth knight! Click on the sword. This will cause a small portal to form, which will suck in the sword. Enter it.

You will land on top of a castle. It is Binary Bard’s Fortress. Go down the bottom and talk to the princess. She will ask for your 3 weapons. Once you have given them to her, the princess will turn into Binary Bard. It turns out that “she” was a fake and that the evil Binary Bard has tricked you! He will disappear.

Click on the strange wall next to you. A puzzle door will appear, which you must solve in order to get through to the other side. The picture below will show you how to solve this puzzling puzzle. They are numbered in the order you must click on each piece. The completed puzzle should show a picture of Mordred, with words at the bottom announcing that he is “ruler of the universe”. This is how to solve the puzzle door:

Top Row: Blank Blank Blank Blank
Second Row: 4 3 1 2
Third Row: Blank 5 6 Blank
Fourth Row: 10 9 8 7
Fifth Row: Blank Blank Blank Blank

Defeating Mordred:
In the first round, you will be using Merlin, the owl. Fly him over and pick up the explosive bombs Mordred drops. Pick them up and drop them on the green orb on top of Mordred’s robot. Make sure you drop them only while they are flashing red, otherwise it won’t work. Also, avoid the flying bombs he throws, which lower Merlin’s health. Do this two times. Once complete, Mordred will destroy Merlin.

Now it’s your turn! Lure Mordred to the center, just underneath the princess. Then jump on him from under him and onto the princess’s platform. From here jump on the chandeliers on either the left or right. Wait for him to go underneath and he should fire a red laser beam at it, causing it to fall on him. Do this for both sides (if you did it on the left the first time, do it on the right, and vice versa). Once this is done, Mordred will be no more.

Your Reward:
You will then go with the real Princess back to Poptropica be knighted by the King and Queen. The Princess will have had Merlin repaired, and you can find the owl flapping around in the Royal Chamber. You’ll receive the Astro-Knights Island medallion and 100 credits to spend at the Poptropica Store.

To show that you have received your knighthood, the King will call you by your knight name just before you get the Island Medallion. If your character is a boy, it will be “Sir”; for girls, it is “Lady”. This title will then be followed by your Poptropican last name. (For example, if your Poptropican name is Fast Flame, your last name would be Flame.) Since Fast Flame’s character is a boy, he would be “Sir Flame”. Please bear in mind that this does not apply to your name in multiplayer rooms.

Also, if you look back at the Space Shuttle Fountain, you’ll notice that Mordred’s green orb has been placed there. Power has been restored to Arturus, and the town is saved. Congratulations!

By PHB edited by Fuzzy-B