
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Da, Da, Da, Holly cow its a robot. AGHHHHHH.

I call this an unnecessary PCB post.

Spare parts

Master Mime has told you about the Steam Robot on the loose in Poptropica. Don't forget about the other robot Costumes you can get in the Poptropica store.

The Retro Robot sports sleek wings and big yellow eyes.

The Renegade Robot makes his own rules.

Don't forget, with the power of the Costumizer, you can mix and match costumes from the Poptropica Store!

I call this the "Retrograde Robot."

"Steamgrade Robot."

You don't even have to combine similar costume parts for a cool new outfit. Here's a Mech Pilot head on a Renegade Robot body.

This is the, er... "Renemech Pilograde Robot?" We'll work on that one.

You can use multiple powers at once, too!

What crazy costume combinations can you come up with?

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Friday, August 27, 2010

A few more cool PCB post.

Steam Robot on the Loose!

Several Poptropicans have reported that a Steam Robot has recently escaped from Steamworks Island!

We have this image to show you what it looks like. Take a look in the Poptropican store. It may be hiding there.

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House party

This week, we've shown you four different sketches of mansions. But only one will be able to make it into a new Poptropica Island. It's so hard to decide which it should be. Let's take another look:

Mansion 1
Mansion 2
Mansion 3
Mansion 4

Decisions, decisions...

Which one do you like the best? Vote in our poll on the sidebar!

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I voted for numbah 2.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Info Page

I added the Info Pages to the Island Guides Page

Astro-Knight Info Page

This one is special. When it first cam out it looked like above. Then Binary Bard's look changed and be became a villain instead of a jester so they changed it to what you see bellow.

Astro-Knight Info Page:

Early Poptropica Info Page

There is no Info page for this because it is the first Island.


OMG!! Its a switch!!!! =o

Power switch

Here's a simple tip to help you make your way through Steamworks Island. If you're getting stuck, take a look around for one of the long, blue-handled switches.

They're everywhere, and most of them will help you get to somewhere that looked out of reach.

So if you're stuck, just look for a switch!

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seems to be like a snapshot saga.

Steamworks premiere party!

Poptropica Members have been having a blast on Steamworks Island. Besides trying to solve the mystery of what happened to the Island's inhabitants, Poptropicans have also been spending a lot of time at the Steamworks Gear Shop -- that's this island's common room.

It's been fun to see Poptropica Members hanging out on a new Island, with all the zany combinations of costumes and items they can imagine. Check out this motley crew!

I dropped by, too, but nobody told me there was a dress code! I felt out of place not wearing a Mech Pilot costume.

Always a wallflower...

Keep an eye out for the Poptropica Creators in the Steamworks Island common room. Maybe we'll see you there!

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Congrats you guys

Congratulations to the first 10 finishers of Steamworks Island!

It's no Poptropica secret: Steamworks Island is tough to beat! This is definitely one of the most challenging Poptropica adventures so far. (For my money, the hardest is still Astro-Knights. Why not? It's got the best villain!)

Despite the difficulty, lots of Poptropica Members, with a full head of steam, have already worked their way to the end. See what I did there?

Congratulations to the first 10 Poptropicans to complete Steamworks Island! Your reward: your name in lights!

1. Bronze Monster

2. Hyper Popper

3. Mighty Flame

4. Popular Jumper

5. Shy Fire

6. Cool Owl

7. Friendly Shell

8. Angry Dragon

9. Shiny Crown

10. Short Flame

We'll hope to see many more of you crossing the finish line in the days and weeks to come!

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I still don't like the idea of membership but congratulations to the first 10 winners

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New PCB post

T-minus 2 days until Steamworks Island launches

Like a massive, steam-powered gear, the Early Access launch of Steamworks Island turns ever closer. Poptropica Members have but two days to wait before they can set foot on this vast island of metal and machines. As promised, here's another snapshot of the danger that awaits you.

That looks like a tricky maze! You might need some help finding your way through there.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

2 new PCB posts and one is... look for yourself....

The robot struts its stuff
I cut a rug. I boogied down. I busted a move. Yet my new robot friend was unimpressed. When I challenged him to show me something better, he paused for a moment. I could hear a whirring sound behind his eyes.

Then, a surprise!

This little fella apparently has a few tricks up its sleeve.

"What else can you do?" I asked, a little bit uncertain of whether I wanted to know the answer. The machine extended another appendage that had previously been hidden. It was beginning to remind me of a Swiss army knife.

I wasn't quite sure what it was doing, but I knew it looked useful. "Say," I said, an idea forming in my mind, "you wouldn't want to come along with me on Steamworks Island, would you?"

He nodded his assent, and we were off on a great adventure!

Poptropica Members will be able to join Sprocket when Early Access to Steamworks Island begins on Thursday, August 12. Steamworks island will be open to all on September 9.

And the second

Psychedelic Shirt
Check out this crazy new shirt inside the Poptropica store. It looks like it's moving!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Author

I am the new author around here.

Fuzzy-B: Yep he is the new author, he is here to help with glitches and stuff, so PARTY IN THE BROKEN BARREL!!!!

Found a computer

Hey i found a computer i could use and here is the new PCB post.

Getting to know you
The robot and I eyed one another warily. It seemed we were each waiting for the other to make the first move. After a few moments of awkward silence, I attempted to break the ice with a joke.

"Why was six afraid of seven?" I asked.

(Dramatic pause.)

"Because seven eight nine!"
Success! The robot grinned. Clearly he was programmed to understand humor. Maybe he was capable of other emotions, as well.

Perhaps this little robot would be impressed, or even moved, by the arts. I don't often admit this, but I've got something of a background in dance (three years of jazz, six years of modern). Hoping to entrance the robot with my charm and grace, I busted out some acrobatic maneuvers, finishing with a flurry of high-leg kicks.
Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

Pride got the better of me. "I'd like to see you do better!" I huffed. "Stupid robot."
And then, well -- the robot did something better.


I couldnt post pictures but you can go to the actual site for that.